News - Turning The Vel 46 Into The Best Smg Warzone 2 (vel 46 Best Class Setup And Tuning)

best smg in modern warfare 2

I'm actually popping off; this might be the boys' game; we're trying to unlock gold. I need a couple more kills—three kills without dying—and my aim is shite. I literally need one more, which means you're going to hop into another game just to complete one more. He's lying; ah, teammate, you look shit, you beat me to it, I need one more.

He's not dead. Let's go, this is it. Finally, Finally man All right, so we finally completed the gold challenge for valve 46. It only took me two games to get 10 kills without dying, which is amazing.

Class setup

Class setup

So this is the class setup I was using for the previous couple games. The first attachment I'm using for this weapon is the vlk lzr7mw laser, which is a red laser that's visible when you advertise, so just keep that in mind because people are going to be able to spot it if you're advertising in terms of pros.

It gives you a lot of pros, including improved aiming stability, print-to-fire speed, and aim-down sight speed. So, basically, you're going to see improved ad speed, which is amazing. For the next attachment, I'm using the demo rxt stock, which increases your Crouch movement speed, print speed, and aim downside speed.

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It decreases your recoil control, so again, just keep that in mind if you want to use something else. You might want to go for this one right here, which increases your recoil control if you're having a problem controlling your recoil with this weapon. But again, I'm going for attachments that are going to help me move faster and just add quicker, which is why I'm blocking this attachment.

The next attachment we're using is, let's see, I don't even know how to pronounce that, so I'm not going to pronounce it; we're going to call it the soldier grip. It increases your sprint to fire speed and ad speed, but, again, it decreases your recoil control, so again, if you have a problem controlling the recall of this gun, you might want to use it, whereas you might want to use this.

The fourth attachment we're using is the 4.6-millimeter armor-piercing round, which increases your vehicle's bolt penetration.

Weapon tuning

Weapon tuning

I just wanted to focus on mobility and added speed, and for the rear grip, we decided to max out our sprint-to-fire speed, which is very important because of the way I play and because I keep rushing. I just want to be able to switch from sprinting to shooting as fast as possible, and instead of maxing out our added speed.

I decided to max out our recall steadiness simply because, again, we lose a lot of recoil control, which is why I decided to just max out recall steadiness for our ammunition. We also decided to max out our damage range and bullet velocity simply because we want to be able to compete at medium and sometimes long range, and as long as we're able to control a recoil, we're going to be able to compete at medium and sometimes long range, and for the underbarrel, we decided to max out our aim downside speed and hip walking speed again.

Our Mobility: I just want to make sure we're able to strafe and move an ad as fast as possible, so these are the attack attachments that I was using in the previous couple games again; they're catered towards increased mobility and ad speed. Just keep in mind that your recoil control is going to take a hit, so just be careful.

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It's going to take you a couple games to get used to the recall pattern on this weapon. If you notice that it's something you can't control, you might want to switch a couple of these attachments or maybe the tuning. You might want to tweak it in a different way.



This is the valve 46 in gold, and honestly, it looks so good. I love the attention to detail, man. Foreign, nice; that was a quick game. I think we went 22 and, if I'm not mistaken, we got that final kill too. Man, this weapon is so good, you've got to try it out.



Let's go -22-7 with good gusts.

Turning The VEL 46 Into THE BEST SMG In Modern Warfare 2 Vel 46 Best Class Setup And Tuning.
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