News - Top 5 New Meta Loadouts Warzone 3. Best Class Setups

bennycentral loadout

You got the striker Recon long barrel, the high grain ammo for the bullet velocity and damage range, the 48-round mag, and then no stock for the mobility, and if I quickly show you this honestly, it's just so rapid. The one thing you will notice is at a distance, like the wobble makes it pretty hard to kind of hit your targets, but you're never going to be using that distance, but up close, the ttk. Mobility, you're going to win so many gun fights, and it's just nice to use something different other than the Swarm, and it's a bit more of a slow and steady SMG, so if you don't like the high fire rate and you like a slower paced SMG, this is the one that you're going to.

Best one shot sniper / best katt amr class warzone 3

Best one shot sniper / best katt amr class warzone 3

Want to go for our third loadout?

The super longrange sniper meta loadout that has not changed with this Nerf the cat AMR is still number one. You're going to have that Nightfall suppressor on there for the bullet velocity, recoil control, and undetectable radar damage range. It doesn't matter because it's still a one-shot kill at any distance.

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Zang 34 barrel on there for the bullet velocity the SP Point rounds which were also banned in the optic 200k which increases that bullet velocity which makes this like 1, 300. M a second this build so it's like hit scan it's so easy to hit those shots and then I go ahead and use the ftac locus SP optic which gives you this really, clean.

bennycentral warzone

The green dot makes it so easy to hit your shots. And then we've got the epithermal quick bolt as well for rechambering speed so you can get more shots off if you do miss a shot, then with that even though the bsby got nerfed. I love, love this close-range build. We've got the crippling Malic Light Barrel, which is under Tex B radar, ads for Sprint fire name walking speed, then we got the SL skeletal vertical grip for ads for vertical recoil gun kick control, and Sprint to fire speed 45 round mag, the st88.

Grip for that gun kit control, recoil control, firing aiming stability, and then no stock for mobility. If you don't want to use an SMG. I personally find this battle rifle build perfect because it's incredibly mobile, as you can see, but it's got that extra damage range, so if you do body someone now, obviously I don't have the same weapon swap speeds, but say I just body someone and need to finish someone, this is going to be far more effective at it because it's a battle rifle. Even though it's a mobility build, and just if you burst firing those couple shots, you're going to be able to hit those quite accurately, so great combination.

Best dg58 lsw class warzone 3!

Best dg58 lsw class warzone 3!

Next, we've got a great message. It's a DG58. It's not the burst assault rifle that's in the bin, but this is a lot of fun. It's got a great fire rate, so it's very easy to use.

Good mob strafe speed mobility, especially if you throw on the stalker perk, so give it a go if you haven't, but you want the spirit fire suppressor, the woody long barrel. The Brewing heavy support under Barrel, the Coro Eagle ey optic, and the Recoil reduction butt plate as well, just to kind of make sure it's as easy to use as possible, but that high fire rate gives you a big margin for error, so if you've not got the best aim, you're still going to be able to hit those shots and take down your opponent, and then with that.

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bennycentral warzone 3

Because it's fully automatic normally, but if we quickly just go into the firing range with it and like I'll show you right, fully automatic, you be like, it's not as good as the bad as be switching it to single fire and then use it like the DM. 56, six shot kill it still has that 50 damage profile so you can just take people out of a distance same way like it's so easy to use and like if you do need to just throw it into full auto for whatever reason cuz you can't hit the shots you can do that but genuinely, give this a go it's obscene Spirit Fire Suppressor.

MTZ Cinch Pro Barrel Coro Eagle ey 2.5, the Exf Close Quarters assault stock, and then the 30 round mag unbelievable, and then I paired that with that close range Striker from earlier, but those are the top five metal loadouts you want to be using right now. Bye

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In Today's video we cover the ABSOLUTE Meta Loadouts right now in Warzone 3 after the recent Warzone 3 Update.
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