News - Top 5 "meta" Loadouts Warzone 3

best loadout warzone

I hope you're doing well today. We have a lot to get into, so let's get right to it. So here's how today's article is going to work. I'm going to tell you which weapons are in this loadout, and then I'm going to give you a low-level class along with the meta, max-level loadout. That way, if anybody watching this is still leveling these weapons up, they'll have something to run while their weapon is still at a lower level.

The Ram 7 is fantastic. It's definitely meta, so we're going to give you this low load out here, and then I'm running this with the AM9, which is by far my favorite SMG to run right now because there's so many ways you can actually run it, so for this lower level Ram 7even, we're going to go with the Boreal, 6C, suppressed barrel, the Brewing heavy support grip under barrel, the Slate reflector sight, the Ft polycom comb, and the retort 90 grip.

Tape, then for that Max meta-level build, you want to go with the Jack BFB muzzle or the Vt7 Spirit Fire Suppressor, whichever one you prefer. the Cronin headwind long barrel, the Brewin heavy support grip under the barrel, the 60 round drum, and the HVS 3.4 pad. Snip through, since for this amr9 we're going to go with the low-level build, we're going to go with the Jack BFB muzzle, the amr9 enforcer long barrel, the dr6 under barrel, the SA ZX rear grip, and the Wolfhound carbine.

best loadouts warzone 3

Stock, then for that Max meta level build for this, this is for your running gun. In any style of play, we're going to go with the Jack BFB muzzle. The AR9 Commando Pro Barrel is my favorite to use the high-grain rounds to maximize this weapon's ttk, the 50-round drum, and the Slate reflector. Sight, now, like I said, the AR9 has a lot of different ways you can run this thing, so for Sniper support, we're going to go with the Jack BFB muzzle, the AR9 enforcer long barrel, the Brewing heavy support grip under the barrel 100 round drum, and the Slate reflector site, or if you want to go a little bit farther at range, go with the Coro Eagles ey 2.5 time.

Scope, Next in the most recent patch, they actually fix the ET and double barrel kit, which is one of my favorite ways to run this now. It actually does a heck of a lot of damage, especially running it with the 100-round mag, which is definitely what I recommend, so we're going to go with the Jack Edon double barrel kit if you're interested in trying this one out on the 100-round drum.


I don't like the iron sights on the AR9, so we're going to run the Slate reflector site with the high grain rounds to maximize that ttk, and the DR6 Hand stop under Barrel. Here, in this next set of loadouts, we're going to go with the bass B and the new HRM 9 grow SMG, so for a lowle build for that bass B, we're going to go with the Tempest GH50 muzzle.

The broom Venom long barrel, the bruin heavy support grip under the barrel I like the Coro elai 2.5 time scope here; you can go with the Slate reflector side if that's more comfortable, and the st88. Grip. Now for my metal build for this bass B, I like the Jack BFB Muzzle. You can go with the VT7 Spire suppressor to raise that bullet velocity a little bit more if you want, but I like the recoil control on the Jack BFB and the Breu Venom long barrel.

meta loadout warzone 3

I like the Chimira Ry 03 vertical grip, but if you have more trouble handling horizontal recoil control, I definitely recommend the Brew and Heavy Support grip. I like both of these here, but again, using either one makes you feel more comfortable, and then again, the Coro Eagles have a 2.5-time scope.

If you like the Slate reflector or any other sight, run whatever site makes you comfortable, and then I like the 45. Of course, you're going to need the 45-round mag. For this HRM 9, we're going to go with the L4 flashhider muzzle; this is the lower-level build. Then we're going to go with the Princeps long barrel, the DR6 hand under barrel, the high grain rounds, and we're running a stock on here since we don't have the mag unlock going with the folding stock.

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Now they did it again; they fixed this 50-round drum unlock on the last patch here, so it is available to unlock. Now, for my specific meta build for this HRM 9, this is just the way I like to run it. I like a little longer barrel on it, but to each their own there because the iron sights are fantastic.

meta loadouts warzone

I like the Jack BFB muzzle, the Princeps long barrel, still the DR6, hand stop under Barrel the 50 round drum, and I like either the folding stock for a little bit more recoil control or the hatchet light stock if you're looking for a little bit faster movement or things like that. I've switched the hatchet light stock a little bit more just to be a little bit faster.

For this next loadout, we've got the SVA 545, which is absolutely still broken, especially in that single tap fire mode, which has no recoil no matter if it's a lowle build or a highle build. There's zero recoil if you switch it to single fire; it shoots two bullets at once, not actually single fire, and it's still so good, and then I'm running this with the core 45.

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The core 45 is a lot of fun to run, especially once you max-level it out, but I've got a low-level build for you as well. Still, it's another SMG, and the ttk is super quick on it, so it's faster than, honestly, it's almost faster than anything in the game. For this lowle SBAA 545, we're going to go with the shadow strike suppressor, the STV, precision barrel, and high grain rounds.


I like the Slate reflector side on the lowle build and the demo 650, Grip. Now for that max-level build, you're going to go with the Spirit Fire suppressor, the STV Precision Barrel, the high-grain rounds, the 60-round mag, and that Coro Eagle ey 2.5-type scope that's just my favorite longer-range AR site to use.

Ridiculous, then, for this low-core 45 pistol build, we're going to go with the Sonic suppressor excess muzzle, the auto High-grain rounds on the XRK V6 match speed up that fire rate a little bit more. I like the slate reflector side on this, and then, of course, the 18-round mag. And then for this max level build, the reason it's so broken is this conversion kit, which you unlock once you max out the weapon, so you're going with the XRK ipv2, conversion kit, which makes it basically so when you squeeze the trigger.


I'll just show you real quick, so when you squeeze the trigger, if you don't know this already, you squeeze the trigger once it shoots, but when you release it, it shoots again, so you can just spam it, and it's basically another SMG, then we're going to run that with the XRK dynamic precision stock, the 40 round drum.

I like the Slate reflector, but then we're going to go with the Brewin triport, Muzzle. Yeah, this thing's not bad. Next up, we're going to go with the Pamut 762, get a low-level build for you, and then, of course, get the max-level build. This thing—it's just this—is the easiest weapon to use in the game.

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