News - Top 10 "broken" Meta Close Range Loadouts Warzone

Show this to me when you're in the firing range. love, love the. Bruin, absolute blast to use; the attack 56 is a ton of fun to run too; we're running the cass's break muzzle; the Tundra Pro Barrel with the brewing and heavy support grip under Barrel; the 60-round mag; and the Jack glassless optic.

Show this one to you here in the fighting range, man. Just there's no recoil on this thing either. I say no recoil; there's very little recoil on this thing, Control, and then for that lockman, 556 C's break muzzle lockman. WRA Barrel ruin heavy support with the Barrel 60 round mag and the Jack glassless optic again.


This thing was so much better than I actually thought it was going to be. The fire rate's really good. I don't think it's not as good as the Bruin or anything like that; it's not meta or anything like that either, but I think it can hang. I think it really does hang with the meta.

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