News - Top 10 Best Weapons Warzone 2 Zombies Overpowered Loadouts


Today I want to talk about the top 10 best weapons to use in Modern Warfare zombies. No, this isn't an official list, but I can guarantee you that if there was one, this would be pretty damn close. I'm also going to be leaving out Wonder Weapons and things like that. These are all going to be weapons that you can equip into your loadout, and I'm not 100% proud of it when I say this, but I've probably spent way more time in Modern Warfare 3 zombies than I probably should.

I've used every single weapon in the game. I appreciate you guys stopping by the article today. We're on the road to 10, 000 subscribers, and we are right there, so starting off the list at number 10, we're going to be talking about the Bess hand cannon pistol, especially when you put this thing in a Kimbo with the snake shots.

It's like the tears, little brother, so maybe if you don't have the tiers fully leveled up and you've had these things since Modern Warfare 2, you can definitely come in here and use them; they're good against the bosses, like Mega Abominations, and all that is definitely some really good pistols, and I think that they're deserving of the number one spot here next.


I wanted to throw in some sort of assault rifle cuz assault rifles really don't get a lot of love in zombies, man, but I know that this is technically a battle rifle, but eh, it's going to be close enough, man, but the bass B is going to be taking the number nine spot here, and this is a great AR to use here in Modern Warfare 3 zombies.

It takes out the mega-bombs pretty easily. The main drawback to this thing is going to be that mag-size man's only holding 90 rounds even when Pack-a-Punch, which kind of hurts, but overall, the versatility of this gun is decent, and it was between this and the RAM 7even, and honestly. I just think the basp just slightly edged it out, speaking of versatility.

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Coming in at our number eight spot, we got the PDSW. Now this thing isn't my absolute favorite gun, but I can see why people really love it, and because when this thing is pack-a-punched, it's holding 400 rounds, which means you barely ever have to reload. Now this thing isn't the greatest for trying to beat like the bosses and stuff like that, especially trying to play solo, but if you're somebody that's running with a team and there's a lot of people and you're trying to run around and do contracts and stuff like that, this gun is honestly amazing.


Now coming in at number seven is probably going to be one of my favorite guns in the game, and I think it has been slept on by way too many people. It's going to be the Rival 9. This thing for a little SMG is just an absolute monster; it just absolutely destroys the megas, or honestly, any hvts, that are going to be inside of the red tier zone.

The mobility is amazing. I do wish it had a little bit more ammo, but it's still really powerful. Your mobility is really good. It's, honestly, a great weapon. This is one I really think you guys need to try. This next one I even debated putting on the list because I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to put melee weapons on here, but at number six is going to come in with the tonfa, now if killing bosses is the main thing that you want to do then with the tonfa you're going to be absolutely set but, my setbacks with the Tona is going to be if you're overcrowded, with zombies, say in the red tier zone or in the dark ether, that's where you're going to find yourself in some troubles, like you can see here.


I ended up going down because there were all these zombies around me, but it only took me a couple whacks to get this HVT disciple down, and we were in the red tier zone, so that's kind of impressive coming in at number five. We got the wsp. Stingers in a kimbo, and these things are a little crazy demons.

Man, trust me when I say power. Behind these things will blow you away. The only thing I wish is that mag size was just a little bit bigger; it's kind of a common thing, but these are honestly one of my number one goos when I want to come in the dark ether and do some contracts. Solo, these things do great in handling in there, but there is another one on this list that is just like these, so you're going to see why these take number five, which brings me to our number four spot, which is going to go to the crossbow.


These things still work great for bosses inside of the red tier zone; they work great for clearing out hordes inside of the red tier zone. Also, when paired with the PhD Flopper, you're not going to get any of that splashback. Damage, and this also works great for clearing out things like those ether nests and stuff like that, which is kind of why I think the crossbow kind of nudged out the RGL.

Now coming in at number three, we got the WSP Swarm, and these are some of my favorites as well, especially when put in a Kima. After you pack-a-punch these things, they're getting 200 rounds each; that's 400 rounds, and these things just absolutely shred. Now the Swarm really reminds me of the Stinger; it kind of has that same power but with a lot more ammunition.

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Now I think the Stingers might be a little bit more powerful than the Swarm, but it's not enough to really be noticeable, plus with all that extra ammunition that you're going to get with the Swarm, yeah, that's why it's got to get that number three spot now at number two. I don't think this is going to be a surprise to very many people, but we got the Lockwood shotgun with the slug rounds.


What can I really say about this thing, man, especially when you make it like mobility, build with it, and just put slug rounds in it? This is definitely hands down one of the most versatile and powerful weapons that's in Modern Warfare 3: Zombie, and hell. I know that there's going to be a lot of people that think that this should have taken the number one spot, but I think it really just comes down to your preference and what you kind of feel like playing with at that time.

It was actually pretty hard for me to decide this, but coming in at our number one spot and reigning Supreme is the tier akimbo, pistols with snake shots. These things will just absolutely destroy almost anything that you come up against, and if you can get them to Pap Three with a legendary ether tool, man, it's a wrap.


You might as well just beat the game and beat Modern Warfare 3 zombies. So here is going to be that very last loadout. It actually was pretty hard for me to decide whether I wanted to put Lockwood at number one or the tears at number one, but I don't know, man. I think, for me personally, the tears take it.

That's going to be about it, guys. I do love just reading the comments. We're so close to 10,000 subscribers.

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Today we look at my top ten best loadouts in MWZ. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost. Previous Video.
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