News - Tombstone Duplication Glitch Solo Fastest Item Dupe Season 2 Warzone 2 Zombies "new

modern warfare zombies glitch

Okay, take all the items out. Boom, okay, so we haven't used any items. Do not drink this Tombstone. Come back to your Tombstone and drink this one. Now, don't do it don't do it you dumb dog we broke our Tombstone first, got all the items out then drank the tombstone that we brought in you have to drink the tombstone that you brought in because if I accidentally drink the one that was in the tombstone, next round on the tombstone that won't be there anymore you got it, that's why it's important I didn't bring a single weapon in I mean technically I brought my scorcher now which is a good weapon actually now check out my article on the scorcher if you haven't I used the tombstone that I brought in the not the Tombstone Soda that I got from my Tombstone that's really important slow this guy out m still going to start this, you're going to jump in the water, so remember I have not voted yes yet our tombstone's ready to set up we have all the items originally from the tombstone, now check this out as the air goes down I haven't voted yes yet I just started the dark ether Rift portal from the act four mission bad signal, now when you see it red Let It Go a couple ticks into red now vote.

Yes, so this is actually going to reset the tombstone and keep every single item, and then when the portal comes up and we dashboard, so now we're eliminated, we just set the new tombstone, but then this happens when we alt-f4 on the black screen. Boink, no not yet not yet not yet come on, come On.


Okay, get this. We just took all the items out again, and our tombstone's still going to be there, so what do you do? You take the seven items that you want to duplicate. Throw those bad boys in your stash. We kept our backpack and our rucksack. We would have kept three-plate armor. Self-revive all that stuff that works even with self-revive, so you don't need to worry about that.

You now have infinite, solo duplication, and this is just about as fast as the season 1 method, but this absolutely freaking works; you can go straight in your very first time setting up. You can use this method, which means you also keep the items that you died with. This actually makes it a better method because, by the second time, you're going back in.

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You're already duplicating items; it used to be that you had to die, then you lost your rucksack and all that stuff from season 1, then you had to go back, get another rucksack, get your tombstone, and start repeating the process. This is, in some ways, better than the freaky Frack frecker. Now the other thing I wanted to show you is that this works with a fully geared operator as well.

mw3 campaign

You'll keep your large rucksack, your kill streak, your three-plate vest, and your durable gas mask. Even with a self-revive, it actually works with a self-revive, which is awesome, so you keep all of that in the rucksack. If you do lose your weapon, insurance, or contraband, it doesn't matter, and you'll lose these things, but you can get them right back.

That includes the ether blade. The ether blade glitch doesn't work with this version of the tombstone, but it's not a big deal. Let's head back in to show you that this does, in fact, work even when keeping all these things. All right, so you just get in here. You have your tombstone and your scorcher.

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Remember, do not drink the tombstone. Hit that up, and we are off. All right, so here's what you do: drop your tombstone on the ground from your inventory that you brought back from the dupe last time and take everything out of it, Tombstone. Now drink the soda that you brought in, and you are ready to head out on Act 4 and drown yourself.

mw3 zombies

All right now, we head back. Honestly, the best way if you can just get to a boat is going to be the fastest. Now, let me share a couple things on this. The first is that this glitch actually works by resetting the tombstone in the water when you die, hence why the tombstone goes back to the graveyard and not to another spot.

If you have a tombstone in a different spot and then you do this glitch, you'll find your tombstone in the graveyard, and it actually moves around every match, which is interesting. If I use any of these items in my rucksack now in this match before I leave to drown and go out, I'll use the Act Four method.

Those will not be on my tombstone next time. That's why I brought in a Tombstone soda that I duped from the last round and then used that so that I kept every single item inside of that Tombstone. As I duplicate those items and put them in my stash, when I come back, there's always the same items, including the Tombstone soda, which also means that I never have to get 2, 000 Essence; I never have to go to Tier 3 or find a Tombstone soda dispensing machine somewhere.

mw3 zombies duplication glitch

All that time wasted is gone because you brought in that Tombstone soda from the previous round. You could also bring one a few crafted it or had in your inventory would work the same. So then you're going to come here same thing: do not vote and start drowning yourself. Yay, so here we die. Now, we go to the portal.

Get ready to alt. F4. Mission progress boom there we go alt f4, as promis we have all of our items successfully exfilled with so we can put all those back, and the big thing is large Ru sack kill streak armor vest durable gas mask, and if you had a self RVE all stay there so you can just do this infinitely.


Why is this so much better than the former method? First and foremost, you're playing solo, meaning I don't need a friend. I don't need to rely on anyone else. I can do this completely. Independently and even if you don't have a friend technically could do the other glitch solo but it relied on a random resing you who knows if that's going to happen or not sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't I don't want to be waiting around for half a match to see if a random reses me because this is about duplicating, items to actually put into your stash to use whenever you want you now don't need to keep a tombstone all the time so you don't have to worry about resetting your Tombstone every match you don't have to die at the end of the match or figure all this stuff out if I want to go play I just pick the items I want to go in with I hit start match I can go into the dark ether I can go fight the red worm I can go do a regular successful xfill to do my camo grind or my missions or anything else, it's just like playing completely, normal now third you don't need to store up Ence.

You don't have to go collect 20, 30, 40, 000, 100, 000, or 200, 000 Essence. There's really no significant benefit because you've duplicated those items. You can use zero essence in your tombstone and still duplicate everything that you need. You only have to go and buy that tombstone once. The very first time you do it, you can use the duplicated tombstone and bring that in every round.


The duplicated scorcher brings that in every round, and you can get 28 or more legendary items every single time. Finally, in about 30 minutes of total time from starting the tombstone to duplicating, I can get 28+ legendary items in my stash. That will carry me over for the next 2 to 3 days of zombie playing in 30 minutes.

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