News - This Weapon Insta Kills Bosses Warzone 2 Zombies. Overpowered

Crazy and I were able to take out an eye, which is. Good, okay, we're going to go down and try to move this guy. If he wants to join our team. I would invite him, but I do want to try one of the mega-abominations or one of the bounty contracts by ourselves, so what we'll do is quickly do that bounty contract, and then we'll invite him afterwards if he still wants to join.

how to kill stormcaller mw3 zombies

So we only have one decoy grenade. I probably should have had a bit more before we came, but it should be. Fine, okay, so he's shooting now, so this is the perfect time to try and get an eye, and I think we missed his eyes completely. I threw a decoy grenade. I just have zombies running in front of me.

I don't really understand. We got a little bit of health, nothing major, but our knife is definitely our blade, which, should I say, is definitely going to help us in this situation with crowd control, especially when we don't have decoy. Grenades, okay, let's go for him and see what we can and can't do without the decoy, really.

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Hard, so we're going to have to try and crowd-control them and then hit. It's going to take a little bit of time because of that, but the time to kill seems pretty good because when I do get a chance to hit him, his health does go down quite fast. As I said, it's mainly just all these zombies that's around that's going to be the deciding factor.

how to kill stormcaller mw3 zombies solo

Factor, but if you can crowd control or you do have a good weapon that can crowd control, then you can kind of swap between your crowd control weapon and then the knife when you are attacking. Mega, so look at that he died pretty quick to be honest with you and he's a bounty contract, and as you guys know Bounty contract megas are way stronger than the normal megas of is walking around so the gutter knife seems like it does the zombies in one hit, and then the combat knife is two hits so the gut knife might be better for crowd control and then the combat knife might be better for zombies cuz as you can see combat knife three hits there how many for this one two three, four hits there and then with the g a knife it's just one, so we will try the gut a knife on the next Mega Abomination just to see how much damage that does but the gut a knife is definitely going to be the best one for crowd control as it just one knes everything we'll grab this real quick, let's see where this puts us so we have another Omega Abomination which is good because I do want to test out the g a knife on him, okay so let's give it a go let's go straight in with the.

how to kill stormcaller solo

G, and the G knife doesn't seem like it does anything to him. Let's see if he can take out an eye with it. No, let's get out of there because we're getting hit quite a lot. Okay, so the gut knife doesn't seem like it does a lot. It did do a little bit of damage, as you guys can see, but not that much, so we're probably going to use the gut for crowd control, as I said, as one taps them, and then we will use the combat knife to take him.

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There, try to hide behind this tree. I'm surprised that worked. I didn't think that was going to work. We throw a decoy, and then in that decoy time, we're just going to go straight at him and see how much damage we can actually do. He's going to hit us with his back. Leg get out of there do some more crowd, control, it definitely takes him out quite fast and it would be a lot easier if you guys wasn't running two knives if you had like a, wonder waffle or something like that something that's really good at Crow control or even the rgl, then you guys wouldn't have to worry too much about the zombies around him could focus all your time and attention on him and then you'd kill him pretty quickly but because I'm having to spread my attention across staying alive from the zombies and him, it's obviously taking a bit more time as you guys can see he's dying pretty quickly he is actually dying pretty quickly, and we still haven't had a down so, that's pretty good and he's going to be dead right about, come on one more hit there we go right about now, so it's definitely a viable option I would say, but just when you are using it to take out bosses make sure you are running a secondary weapon, that can do great crowd control cuz you're going to need it, we might go down yeah we did go down but that's.

mw3 zombies guide

Okay okay so let's go grab our rewards real quick we just grab this money, we got a free plate vest a tombstone rare AOL and a cidal I do want to go ahead and test it out on the storm coer so I probably will do one more Bounty contract and then we'll go to the storm caller and see what is like on him, and we do have a bounties to spawn now so we're going to go for that one over here, and what's that a mang can hear yeah we have a Mangler over here as well so I'm going to test it out on the mang, try get his arm that was one hit that's powerful that is very powerful tier three Mangler one hit I just wish it could swing a little bit faster I think that's what would make it a lot better option if it could just swing a little bit faster be way more op just grab this real quick all right let's see try to go for the arm straight.

Away, come on, and he's dead. This thing is crazy. This thing is OP, and we have a legendary AA tool. Lovely this thing is, op, my, it's actually op. Guys, okay, so there's no more Bounty contracts; we're just going to head straight for Storm Caller, which is in the Tier 3 Zone, which is perfect, so we don't really have to leave Tier 3 right now.

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Okay, so as he's not in here. I've decided that we're just going to xill as normal, and then we're going to load up into another game with the combat knife, and we're going to go ahead and just go straight for the stor call it in that game. Okay, so we're in a new game, we've brought the combat knife, we have pack-a-punched it to level three, and we've put our legendary tool on there, so let's see what it's like on the storm, Coer.

Is he here this time? Hopefully he is. Is i still can't see him, okay? He's over there, so we're just going to throw a decoy here, and we're going to go straight after him, okay? So here he is; he's trying to heal on me, so that's not going to be good, but look, that's three hits. okay, so that would be three hits if I didn't get hit just then.

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That kind of stinks because it ruined what we were trying to do. Let's just throw that there, and it's going to be one more hit, and he's going to die. There we go, so it's a really good option against a stor caller. I will be honest and say that it's probably not better than the Tona simply because, with the Tona, it's well-rounded.

mw3 zombies op weapons

So it hits fast; it kills zombies in like one or two hits, and then it's also really OP when it comes to bosses. This knife's really good when it comes to bosses, probably just as powerful as the th far; it just doesn't swing as fast, which is less convenient, and as well as that, it doesn't one-tap zombies.

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