News - This "secret" Kastov 762 Build Is Meta Warzone 2. Best Kastov 762 Class Setup/loadout



YouTube I have got for you the best long-range weapon loadout in the game. Yeah, boy, it's the cast of 762, and with this loadout, you'll be deleting your enemies at any range. I'm going to take a second to shout out the note again. I hope you enjoy this gameplay with a little me time along the way.

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Bell Okay, , let's go.



You shoot gameplay, baby, let's go! What an ending! And this was the broken 762 loadout I was using with the 40-round Maggie F-Tack Ripper 56. There's a tune taking screenshots of that, and on the second tread 40 muzzle, there's a tuning stick taking screenshots of that, but on the 584 millimeter barrel, there's the tune taking screenshots of that, and finally, my favorite optic, the Pulver Soul 76.

There's a tuning stick screenshot of that. I hope you enjoyed this game.

This buffed KASTOV 762 that I have built has the FASTEST TTK out of any long range weapon. It even kills faster than the CRONEN SQUALL.
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