News - I Finally Made The Switch (warzone 2 Rant)

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Blue here is coming at you with a brand new article, and based on the title of this article, you can see I finally made the switch, and this is also going to be a war zone to rent, and what that switch is switching to a controller. I'm going to get into detail on why I'm doing this and just a whole bunch of other things regarding war zone 2.

So stick around and enjoy. Just the rat So getting started, one of the big reasons why I want to switch to a controller is that, for one, keyboard and mouse input just feels terrible on this game in and of itself. On top of that, they have buffed the controller Amos's rotational aim assist so unbelievably strong in this game, and that in combination with the keyboard and mouse input itself being terrible is just a big no-no.

I'm not going to sit here and just, you know, go too much into detail on the controller and it being too overpowered because a lot of you watching now are people that are so delusional about the topic and are in denial, but if you do all your research, basically me and other friends of mine and just people that watch my stream or watch YouTube articles experiences as some of you watching now.

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The mouse input on this game just feels bad, and you know when you're snapping from Target to Target, it feels okay, but when you're trying to track someone like so accurately, like when you're tracking someone, don't stop it from Target to Target when you're tracking, it just feels like you're in mud a lot of times when you're in a close quarters fight or a mid-range fight, and you need to have good tracking, and it's not just accurate; you're going to lose the fight no matter how good you are, like in Warzone, if I had good tracking.

I had good tracking in this game; it's like a coin flip if your tracking is going to be good or not because of how weird the mouse input is. I don't know if it's like a mouse latency issue, but I've talked to friends of mine. Huskers, and, for example, two incredibly talented keyboard and mouse players I've talked to.

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Until things change, I'm going to be playing controller. I know some of you guys are disappointed to hear that I'm not giving up on the keyboard and mouse forever. Don't worry; it's just something to do for now. That in with Warzone 2, compared to Warzone 1, there isn't really much to master in this game, so playing the controller is at least something new and something to learn.

I've already dropped multiple kill records of mine, and I keep breaking my own kill record on the controller. I mean, pretty soon if I keep playing on this input, you know, in a week's time. In a month's time I'm going to be just shooting nukes out of my gun, but yeah, don't take that as "I'm giving up on keyboard and mouse forever," because I'm definitely not, but like I said, for now I'm going to be managing the controller just to do something different.

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I'm playing the input I'm on, truly the real ones. I appreciate you, guys. Yeah, now that that's out of the way, let's get into a few other topics. The time to kill it is so incredibly fast, and that definitely needs to be raised. Apparently, the base health is 100 HP, and then with the three plates, it's 150 HP.

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So overall, it's 250 for total health. I definitely think that should be raised to 300. The overall pacing of the games just seems super slow, even if you're having a really good time. For example, in the gameplay you're seeing on screen, I dropped 30 kills, but there are times when it still feels slow.

There are games where you drop a lot of kills, or I drop a lot of kills, and it still feels slow, so I don't know if they need to add more people on the map, which I don't know if they can because their servers are trash. I don't think they'd be able to handle the pacing of the game, which kind of ties into the whole money system and the buy stations.

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Those are the two subtopics I want to talk about. There definitely needs to be way more money on the map because money correlates to people playing faster, right? If people have to sit there and loot money for five minutes straight, they're not in action at all, but instead of that, they're looting money for just a minute to get the money they need to get, and then they get going into fights, so I think more money on the map is very important, and also in the buy station situation, there needs to be more buy stations for one, and, on top of that, this whole limited quantity or limited supply thing is just very stupid in my opinion.

It's one UAV per person, so if I'm in a lobby and you know Billy's in a lobby and we both go to the same buy system, there's still going to be one UAV for each of us, and that also ties in with the loadout situation. I personally don't mind the way loadouts are, but I would definitely like to see them changed.

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I think you should definitely be able to buy loadouts from buy stations. I like how you can buy your gun for 5,000, but in order to get your perks and stuff, you have to do, like, a stronghold, and there are only three strongholds on the map each game, so they could either increase the amount of strongholds that spawn or just make it so you can buy your loadout.

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I think a good middle ground would be increasing the amount of stronghold spawns because it seems like that's the route they want to go. Another big one is the audio design, specifically. The footstep audio is pretty much all the other audio is pretty good, but the footstep audio is just atrocious.

I don't know how we can go backwards. The level of footstep audio from war zone one war zone one but step audio sounds amazing compared to this, but there are deaths where someone is sprinting up to me and is within arms' reach, and I don't hear a single footstep, so that needs to be done heavily.

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addressed and fixed Another big thing that I haven't really experienced personally is developer errors and just servers in general. I've definitely experienced a handful of bad servers with ping spikes and all that stuff, but the Devils There are people who just never have their game crash from an overall player standpoint; that is a huge thing that needs to be fixed.

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Custom perk packages I don't know why we can't make our own perk packages; let alone, when you pick a perk package from a loadout, it doesn't even give you all the perks that are in your perk package, so I'm not sure what's going on with that. Hopefully they change that so we can actually make our own perk packages and actually get all the perks that are in them.

Another point is the armor system. I think finding a three-plate vest is kind of dumb in my opinion because there are times early in the game where someone gets a three-plate vest right away, and then they're just instantly at an advantage because they have 50 more HP than anyone else fighting them.

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