News - This Makes You Unstoppable Warzone

I actively recommend either the thermobarck grenade or the regular grenade for their sheer damage output and the thermobarck grenade's ability to set people on fire and cause all sorts of chaos and confusion. But the smoke grenades are my go-to for an absolute must: obscuring sidelines against teams that you're pushing against and giving yourself opportunities to get out of bad situations, or just generally creating a window for you to be safe in, is absolutely huge.

warzone 3 meta

If any of you play Valerin or CS Go, you'll know that smoke grenades are really big for bomb diffusion, really big for taking on opponents in terms of cutting sidelines, and things are no different in the war zone. Smoking yourself off is a fantastic way to just give yourself a breather in an otherwise very hectic situation, and I cannot recommend it more than anything else.

I would also recommend having alternative utilities in your inventory. Cycling between a stun grenade and a smoke grenade gives you two very different types of opportunities. Under one tactical or lethal setup, utilities allow you to control a situation, whether you want to disengage, re-engage, or try something from a different approach, and that really nicely leads me on to one of my final points, which is knowing when to disengage.

warzone 3 meta loadout

I am soloing in quads right now, and I am never going to complain about a team in quads working as a team to try and win. It's a game that people who complain about stacking on the internet are trying to get some weird Tik Tok clips or something, and it's just very strange behavior. The reality is that teams are going to play as teams; they're going to play as a group or individually in ways that benefit them, and you can always make the assumption that any team is going to play as compactly as possible when they're being moved on by somebody else.

So there are just loads of different times where you know for a fact that just not engaging with a squad is worthwhile. If you see three guys sitting in the stairwell of a building, unless you've got grenades to try and get some entries, you're not going to get anything out of that situation. If you've got a team locking up a rooftop and all of them are looking around a lot, you're not going to get anything out of that situation.

warzone 3 movement

If there is a team working as a compact unit, unless you have clear and obvious ways to isolate part of that team or play a pick with a utility, a grenade, or a sniper headshot, there is simply no way you can break those groups down, and knowing when to disengage from that scenario and rely on either teammates or just a new approach is far more beneficial as a player.

The end of this gameplay sequence where we win the game and I lock in the 33 is a really good example of that because teams at the end of circles naturally play more compact, and I relied heavily on grenades to make a 1v3 and 1v4, a viable option for me, and relied upon a teammate at the very end to pick up the win for me, and that's just a good example of knowing when to slow down a little bit, knowing when the advantages are out of your favor, and knowing that stacks in this game are an inevitability.

warzone 3 nuke

And if you're a solo player, you should also keep in mind that although stacking isn't a thing in solos, positional superiority is the thing in solos, so when you're playing aggressively in solos, you always have to work with the assumption that no people aren't stacking together, but yes, they are playing in positions that make sense on the tops of rooftop buildings that are defendable, places where they can hide in corners, and that's the same kind of approach in terms of disengaging stacks.

Sometimes you have to know in a solo game when somebody just has a better position and it's not worth your while. Hopefully you found this article useful, and I do want to cave out of this entire article by saying that aggressive gameplay is very difficult to do, and honestly, it can be very dependent on the kind of lobby that you end up getting in War Zone.

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There are times where if I attempted half the stuff I did in this article in slightly more challenging lobbies. I would have gotten spat on three or four times over, and that's just the reality of War Zone. There's no denying that having an easier or more challenging lobbie can determine how you have to play sometimes, and that's very evidently clear, as somebody who's played at the top flight of War Zone is at the top flight of gameplay.

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Everybody plays compactly, everyone plays less aggressively than usual, and everybody plays a bit more coordinated. Because they know that it's finer margins that decide gunfights, so that's definitely not something I'm shying away from in this article, and I will say that this lobby wasn't necessarily easy, but it wasn't the most challenging I've ever been in, and I found it quite easy to disengage and break down some of these teams, and whilst that's easy for me, it might not have been easy for somebody else in the lobby.

If you found this article useful, drop a like, drop a sub, and I'll catch you in the next

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If you have ever wondered how streamers and high KD players play aggressively in Warzone, then this video will explain how you can change a few things in your gameplay to take on other teams in Urzikstan.
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