News - This Is The New Best Gun Warzone 2 Zombies. Season 2 Reloaded

Take out that disciple, and especially if any zombies run anywhere near the bolts or any particular special that we hit with the bolts, they're dead. I've just realized decoy on the floor. I might want to pick that up at some point. That would definitely help us out. It is way too casual in here.

mw3 zombies best gun

Way too casual for Tier 5. That's for sure. That's taken out, and look at all the ammo on the ground. There are just so many packets of ammo. When I first did this, I was like, man, this might be the hardest outlast I've ever done, but this table is an actual blessing. The moment you hop off the table, it is very, very messy territory, and there we go.

That is done. Let's see what we're getting. vr11 case and vr11 plans, Very nice again. I wish I could say it was more difficult. I'm just showing you how good the crossbow is, man; it's ridiculous. But now we move on to what I feel is the hardest contract to do, so I'm going to equip these because I'm definitely going to need them, so we need to get on top of the dropping mall here, and there are a few ways you can go about it.

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I'm going to show you the method that I know, and we need to go around to the other side here, so we need to climb up here. Climb up onto here. Run and jump onto this crate. Up onto here, then a little jump and mantle on there, and there we go. We're up we're up now there are a few other methods to get up here.

mw3 zombies best guns

you can use an elevator, which is actually inside the shopping mall it's going to be somewhere around there but we don't even need to go in the mall you know another ways you could get up via the car park here you just go up all the levels, and then we can just take this section up here and this is only one of like many ways there's multiple ways to go up on the roof this is just the way that I've chosen to do it in this very casual right now super casual and yeah the bunny's just chilling up here very cheeky of a spot I must say but now we got to do the EA extractors, and like on paper this is really hard on solo but the gear we've got and this weapon as well it's going to be insane.

So I'm going to go down here. I'm going to throw that in the oven; it's doing its thing. I can get past here, Overload. No, am I going to go down from this one zombie? That's a joke. That's actually a joke. That's a waste of time as well. Okay, not to worry. Not to worry, we go again. We go again.

mw3 zombies best guns to use

Okay, please, this time. So now we're one down, so this is going to have to be even more of an impressive feat. Come on, this could be another down. What is going on? What on Earth was happening there? I actually don't know. Okay, and a decoy ran around here spamming the floor for a minute, and we overload that, yes, sir, and boom.

There we go, absolutely incredible, so I can even get to the reward Rift, and we got a blood-burning key and plans. That's pretty awesome. I think we just got all three of the new schematics in one single run. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we just did it, and now we need to fill it. Now there are multiple Xs in here.

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I'm still learning this map, and to be honest, I know one of them is on this side of the map. It's going to be in one of these little hearts. I've briefly seen it, but I've not actually done it before myself, so I still need to learn the full point. But we've run all across the map here to get to this one, and yeah, we managed to do the whole solo.

mw3 zombies best loadout

Elder sigil within like 9 minutes, 8 to 9 minutes, and we're filling with a bunch of amazing things, but this crossbow is a game changer for solo, so let me show you that loadout. So jumping into the loadout, this is what I'm running for the crossbow, but it's the blast cap, 20 inches, bolts, which just completely transformed this weapon into the most broken weapon currently in the game for a long time.

The thermites were the best, but the blast cap for the explosive tip gives you a ton more damage, and it's just super broken, so I've combined it with the Carbine Elite V3 arms, the kamimura, laser light, the Slate reflector optic, and the speed track Echo stock.

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