News - This "ftac Recon" Warzone Loadout Is Broken Warzone 2. Best Ftac Recon Class Warzone

best ftac recon class mw2

It is an eternal mystery, and today I bring you guys the F-TAC Recon in Warzone 2.0. Now, there are two versions of this gun that technically you can use in the game at least; I just had to delete my Mac right there real quick, so there are two versions of this that technically you can hit like the left d-pad like right here.

Some people like the full auto mode. Some people like the Tab Fire, but a lot of the other Tapfire guns have full auto mode. I like to go into full automatic mode. This Gun For some reason, I just really like the tap fire because it has an insane fire rate, and I feel like this could be interesting to use in war zones.

Warzone I tried it a little bit it was interesting definitely, Wasn't meta, all right, the title is probably going to be "Super Click Vader." I'm going to keep it real. It's going to be like this gun in the game. I'm telling you guys right now, so f-tack Recon, that we're going to be building it more for the top-fire version because the non-tapi version has too much recoil for a big map.

best ftac recon class setup mw2

BR, in my opinion. In the Top 5 version, you're told that it could slap people you know, hit them in the head, and have like a two- or three-shot potential, so as long as you're in the right range, you get the head shots. I also want to say that usually we have weapon tuning for these articles, but my attack recon's only at level seven.

That doesn't mean we don't have attachments; we're going to have all the attachments we need; it's just sadly only level seven, so I'll probably max this gun out here. probably within the next week, and I'll make another article with an updated version. It has a decent amount of visual recoil because, like a little site you guys can see, like a little site, it's really bad.

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It has a lot of shaking and stuff like that. I don't really like the iron sight for this; it's really bad in my opinion. And the top-five version still has a lot of it too, with a lot of that visual recoil, and I even have the best settings for as little visual recoil as possible. When it comes to the muzzle right here, we're going to start off with the optic because we need to get rid of it now.

best ftac recon loadout mw2

Normally, we'd obviously run like the Cronin mini Red Dot or mini pro. I mean, for you know, playing multiplayer, but we're not playing multiplayer today; we're playing big map BR, so we're going to go with the VLK at four times the optic now. I don't have weapon tuning, so I can't even tune it the way I like to, but this is what the Luca one looks like with added speed; it's actually really fast.

I think it's awkwardly fast; doesn't it seem like that? I don't have the actual version, that's why, but yeah, you feel like it's a very tough one, shot in the head, shot in the head, no, not much of that dang, so the actual version does one shot in the head though. I've been saying 25 this whole time, but it might be 20.

I can't tell if that's 25 or 20. And then that's 50 meters right there; all of that is 50 meters, so you know if you're shooting people here, by default, it's taking like four or five bullets to shoot just the default version that kills them, so let's go to the muzzle right here and do the no-sound 90.

best warzone ftac recon class

It's going to bring up that damage range and bullet velocity right there, and normally we'd actually like to tune them. Just off the rip, so boom, one shot ahead. It looks like this is not a one-shot deal right here yet. Miss-aimed definitely a two-shot head right there. It's very hard to aim in my opinion from far away, and that's why, personally.

I would use the Lucascope because, for testing purposes. Barrel right here, we're going to run the what's it called, the second barrel, the bull rider. Barrel now, this one brings up that bolt velocity again and it also brings damage range and recoil control, which is nice. We're going to put that in, actually, my bad, the XF mirror.

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I forgot, I don't know, I always forget that you can't put the bull rider on, and, like, I literally did this whenever I was making this class and testing it for this article. I was like, Let me put the bull rider on. You can't do that. So, literally. I'm not gonna lie; let's look at those one-shot headshot capabilities.

ftac recon class mw2

It should be a one-shot headshot, nothing that far, no, it's not. Whenever I was testing it on like my multiplayer article, it had like one-shot capabilities from deep and had like less damage. That's really weird to me, maybe because it's actually set up for Warzone. I don't know, but you guys can see that right there.

We are going to put it back to VLK now, but it should be a one-shot up to 50 meters, but after that, it's definitely not a one-shot capability. Third, there should be no problem, and now we're at three out of five, right? So, just like that, you know if you get lucky you can like quickly just go crazy on them, but it's gonna be a little bit hard to aim like super far away like that.

I would put on an under barrel and put on f-tack. Ripper: This gives you stability hit by accuracy and recoil stabilization stability, gonna help out a lot. You guys remember when I first had it and you saw the gun moving a ton? That's going to be stability right there, obviously, and a little bit of repo control as well, so we're going to do that.

ftac recon warzone

Let's go over to the firing range again. Ads, speed isn't that bad; you would think it would be worse, and then boom right there, one shot headshot, one shot headshot, so maybe it is going to be easier to aim now because of stability. And maybe it's like the ability to get one-shot headshots. Maybe like crazy, but never mind, it didn't.

Hello. I might like shooting to the left of. I think I'm really shooting to the left of them right there, and then if we try to get a one-shot hit right there. I mean, we could probably mount up and it'll be a little bit easier, boom, it's not a bunch of headshots unless there's a bullet shot. It's a two-shot, though, so it could be a two-shot from 50 meters.

ftac recon warzone 2

Plus, within 50 meters, it's definitely a one-shot game. I just don't know about that; like, you guys see the two shots right there as long as you guys are aiming very well. Now. I would run on a MAG right here, a 15-round mag, unless you could deal with a 10-round mag and just reload fast, and I could, you know, sit there and be like, "Okay, let's put on an Aiming Stability or let's put on." Yeah, let's act like Amy; still, you could be Lily.

If you do this right here, it's going to be really stable, and then it's going to be even more stable. You could do that; it's a good idea with 10 bullets, you know, and somebody didn't shoot one right there; what the heck? That's crazy, but you could do that. I feel like it's doing less damage now, though that's weird.

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