News - This Debate Must End Now With Warzone 2
You know. I just switched to a PC during Call of Duty World War II at the very end, so you know I've only had. Not as much experience as some of the other PC guys out here. I'll tell you that much, but I love the input now, and honestly, it would stink to see the game die so quickly. If they removed crossplay from the mix, my solution to this overall thing here would be to allow the input, you know, matchmaking, when you disable crossplay and all that stuff.
Allow the input, matchmaking, to actually work a bit better, because if you turn it off, you're going to spend a few years trying to find a game. It's absolutely absurd, you know, if you only want to beat PC players. Good luck, and again, if you're on console and you turn off and you only want to verse console players, good luck.
They make it absolute hell to find games; it's almost like they want you to have crossplay on; they're forcing you to have crossplay on, and again, in my book, I don't give a crap. I don't care if you're using a controller, mouse, and keyboard; you could be using the flute like that one guy does, and you know you could use whatever you want when it comes to Call of Duty.
I don't care; I'm here to play. I'm here to enjoy, and I'm here to have some good competition, so it is what it is, but for those who want to step away from other inputs, you should allow them to do so; don't force them into the crossplay launcher if they don't want to be there. That's why all these complaints are happening.
You know what I'm saying. Over half of these people wouldn't be complaining about aim assist if they didn't have to play in crossplay lobbies. Over half of these people wouldn't be complaining about mice and keyboards if they didn't have to play in these lobbies, and the same goes for skill matchmaking as well.
When you have this crossplay enabled and a thick skillbase for matchmaking, it makes for one of the most disgusting experiences you could possibly imagine, and people just don't want that, you know, and again. I'm talking for everybody. I'm not talking for me again; I don't mind. You know the variety.
But a lot of people would much rather have that option off, and they deserve the right to have that option, but ladies and gentlemen, do me a mass favor and go ahead, go down the comment section, and roast me up. I know I already know that saying what I said is going to get me a ton of hate when it comes to this topic because, again, over half the community nobody really you know wants to deal with either input; they just want to you know complain about both inputs, so I know me saying that you know, stop complaining about it and just get better, it's going to piss a lot of people off because there's going to be people who are going to say it's impossible to be better than someone with a assist and there's going to be people who are going to say it's impossible to be better than someone with a mouse and keyboard.
So you know, I know I'm going to get the hate, and that's the majority of the Call of Duty community as well. There aren't many people, and I feel like you know they are accepting of all inputs, but I'm curious. Do you think Aist is too crazy in this game? You know, inform me, educate me. You know what I'm saying.
Do what you please, but again, for me personally, through all the years that I've played on crossplay, I just never really had a problem. You know, I've never really caught myself saying, My God, his aim assist is way too strong. That was horrifying. You know what I'm saying. You know that guy's horrible at playing the game because his aim assist was there, and the same thing is true for controllers.
You know all the really goated controller players that I play with; they're not sitting there, and you know complaining about dying to a mouse and keyboard every 5 seconds. Maybe it's because they're playing with me; they know they're on the mouse and keyboard, and they don't want to complain with me around.
I don't know, man, but again, you know, I'll tell you one thing. I'll give you guys one tip here. I was going to save it for a tips and tricks article sometime down the road, but I'll just give it to you guys now. One way to be better It's a very simple way to be better at a game: simply not get angry.
Anger is going to really mess with your mind and make you do stupid things and continuously die, and again, it's not going to make you improve drastically; it's not going to make you become a god if you just don't get angry when you die, but it will not cloud your judgment when you try to overcome that enemy again and again and again.
When you get angry, you tend to do the same really stupid things over and over and over again, expecting them to work. In reality, if you just clear your mind and say you're not angry about that, guess what? Eventually, down the road, you'll probably find a path, or you'll think of a strategy, or you'll think of a way to get around that person.
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