News - These Are The Best Pistols Warzone 2 Zombies


These are the guys getting all the contracts; they're talking about going to the dark area, so I thought I'd jump in with them, you know, and help them. Out, and then hopefully we can get into that dark area towards the end of the game and test these guns out there. Too, okay so looks like we're going to the dark AA Zone but it's going to the new one we're going to the old one for some reason but we're going to go in there test these guns out and see what they're going to be like, okay so here we are in the old dark ather Zone let's quickly run through this see what we're going to do see what sort of damage we can do and just try and get through these contracts as fast as possible, as you can see normal zombies still just going to get dropped just as fast as any other zombies in this game like the dark a Zone doesn't really make that much of a difference with the damage you're going to do like as you can see mimics are getting melted through this Mega Abomination would probably even get melted through if I get the shots off at it.

mw3 zombies best class

But again I haven't even bothered putting them mags of holding, schematic on it because I don't really feel like we need it to be totally honest I don't feel like there's a situation where I need mags of holding, cuz the thing is the gun just does enough damage like where I don't really need the extra bullets I don't ever seem to be running out of ammo again the only time I have run out of ammo and have to reload in a fight is against the mega Abomination, which is kind of to be expected but I don't know why I'm going to waste a whole mags of holding that I could take into a next game with a different gun, on a just because I'm fighting a mega Abomination like it doesn't really feel like it's very.

Necessary but as you can see, all these zombies are going to get melted through with no problem; we're not even looking like running out of ammo anytime soon. We can quite easily just melt through zombies with no problems. So these guns have definitely really impressed me in this game, like they're very good; they're very strong weapons, especially having the Mimbo.

mw3 zombies secrets

You know, you've got two of them, and you can just melt through the zombes so quickly that it's actually kind of crazy how powerful they actually are. Like, even with this Mega Abomination running around after us while I'm doing the escort contract, we can still do good damage to it with these renes, and we can quite easily get through them with no problem whatsoever.

And a nice little hack that I've got for this is, of course, that there's no turret here for this time. That's a bit of a shame, because turrets are always a nice thing to have. But let me go and help my team with this mega-abomination because they don't seem to be able to get it down. But let me come along and try and do the damage needed to get this mega-abomination taken care of.

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There we go. It's opened its mouth a little bit. We should be able to get some good damage done there, and that should be if I'm not, ah, I wasn't playing too smartly there. If I'm totally honest, I wasn't really playing the smartest I could have played. We should be able to get this mega-abomination down now with no real problems.

mw3 zombies shotgun

It should come down any second now. I'm not getting any critical shots whatsoever. There we go. Mega Abomination was taken care of. I did run out of ammo in the meantime, but you know we took Mega Abomination down. Okay, so I think for the first time ever, I've actually just failed an ACV mission because my team was just running around all over the place with one of my teammates on either side of the map.

I don't really know what's going on too much, but we actually failed the mission, and I don't think I've ever failed the mission before. But just as I suspected, guys, even in the dark, this gun is going to do really nice damage. We're going to get through the zombies with no problem, and we're going to get through the bosses with no problem, as you've seen what sort of damage it can do.

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It is a very powerful gun, and I think you guys are going to really, really enjoy it if you haven't already tried it out for yourselves before. Yeah, overall, I think these guns are very, very fun. I think you guys will really, really enjoy them if you do go ahead and try them out for yourselves.

I hope you have a great rest of your day, and I will catch you in the next one in a

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