News - The Solo Player Struggles Call Of Duty Warzone 2. Huge Rant

There's no problem with it. There's no issue other than what we are experiencing within this game right here right now. In this game, you see me raging once in a while. You see me in my fat ass head and my ugly ass eyeglasses. Whatever the hell I'm wearing, I told you I was going to sweat, and yeah, I try sweating, but when you face all this other dumb [__]], it can really affect your gameplay and [__]].

modern warfare 3

You up bad, my ladies and gentlemen. I'm 23 years old and have 160 over 100 blood pressure. Do you think that's a problem? I don't know if it's this game or if it's these energy drinks. Man, I'm on my second ghost. It's only 6:00 in the morning. What are we doing? My I i'm telling you this is a [__] problem, man.

23 years old and worrying about a damn game. What am I doing with my life? What am I doing, worrying about these other dudes? I'm just trying to let them know, hey, and I try to tell them at the end of the game. They still get destroyed by me, and my goodness me man. I was going crazy, but I mean, shoot, when you got to have skill-based matchmaking, when you got to all have these decent players, a 3.0 KD is just all right, you know what I'm saying, or 3.0 is actually pretty damn good put skill-based matchmaking, but you guys know what I'm talking about, my goodness man.


I'm just going to leave it at that. It is already early in the morning, and I'm already getting stressed out. This game play was from last night, and I'm still having flashbacks. I'm still having PTSD. From this dos house gameplay because I am freaking losing my mind because this is how it is on a daily basis.

If you play solo, if you are good at this game and good, meaning you're over a 1.4, 1.5 KD because in skill-based matchmaking, that's like an old time. 2.0 that is how you guys experience every single game. In every single game, this is how you experience it. You're going to have two or three dudes on the other team that you have to continuously.

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Really try hard, and you're going to have all the other bums throwing the stuns throwing using the shotguns and whatever, because that's how skill-based matchmaking works, and especially if you're playing solo, all the dog [__] players are going to be on your team. You're going to have to sweat your [__]] balls off and have hella kills more than the next guy just to win the [__]] game, but you know what it is.


I'm sorry for the rant. I'm sorry if I really made you guys upset. As you guys know, I respond to like 90–95% of comments because I'm good like that man. You can trust me; let me tell you something other than that man. And, you know what I'm saying—it is what it is other than that.

Hi, nothing new here! Just the same old issues in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. Solo Players are given no chance to succeed unless they sweat their ass off.
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