News - The Secret M4 Smg Warzone 3. Best M4 Class Setup / Loadout - Warzone 2

best m4 class

What's good YouTube In today's article, we're bringing you guys the M4 SMG in War Zone 3. Before we get into anything, drop a like on the article. Let's see if we can break 400 likes. Comment on the screen, and let's get right on to this amazing M4 setup for the muzzle. There's a lot of muzzles we can use on the M4 SMG to make it broken now because this thing is an SMG.

We don't want this thing to be seen on the mini map, so we put on a suppressor. The best suppressor by far is the BT7 Spry, which helps that effective damage range bull velocity and gives us that Rec control. The Jack B. Bay is obviously absolutely incredible, but it does decrease the bullet velocity, which we do not want.

We want the most bullet velocity and effective damage range possible, and we want it to be the fastest and kill SMG up close, so the {562}ri suppressor is the way to go. Definitely put this thing on right now. Put it on the barrel. We did put on the 11.5, Carbine Shroud. Now there are so many good options for this gun.

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115, Carbine helps that Rec Control does decrease damage, but the damage is still crazy on this thing. We want Rec Control because this thing does have a lot of Reco. I cannot say we want a lot of reco control. I saw one of the YouTubers. I can't remember what he put on, but it was like something to help.

best m4 class 3

I think it was. I really can't remember. I'm sorry about that, guys, but I think if I'm going to be completely honest, it would have been the Tempest trench Pro or the 7.5. Now, this does help with mobility a lot, but then the recoil is just so bad, man. I can't lie, the 11.5 carbine is perfect; it only reduces movement a tiny bit, and we get a lot of real control from it.

HIIT fire is also decent with that BL velocity. I definitely want to put this 11.5-carbine trout on. We need rec control, so I put this on, and the mobility on this thing is still crazy, man, so I put this on. I did put the 60-round mag because this thing's an SMG and you do run out really quick since it shoots so fast you need at least 60 rounds.

best m4 class setup

The squad of 60 rounds is a must, which you can probably put on. You probably get away with 45 rounds in solos. I did run 60 rounds in solos today, man. Banging article; by the way, we did run 40. You can run 45 if you really want to. I did put on the 60 round, though, just to make sure we could, you know, kill them and get them to finish all that good stuff, so I did put on the 60 round, and I did put on the second.

ZK, ZX grip man, it's going to help with that recoil control once again. As you can see on the screen, recoil control is boosted so much that we really need that on this gun. There is so much recoil for some reason on this M4, but if we reduce the reco, it literally makes it one of the fastest-killing SMGs, so you definitely want to put this thing on right now.

If you want to put on another R for whatever Raaz is probably for ads, then I'd highly recommend it. Probably, yeah, putting on the Phantom grip helps the most with the ads and to fire speed, but the recall is just shocking, so I recommend the second, ZX grip. Put this on right now. Finally, to the stock, we do put on the Tempest p80 strike stock again, helping with that aim walking speed, Crouch movement speed, aim downside speed, and sprint speed.

best m4 loadout 3

Ladies and gentlemen, you definitely want to put this thing on right now. It helps with my mobility so much, man. I know the reco has increased a bit, but that doesn't matter. With so many attachments to help with rec control, it's going to make this gun completely broken. You need mobility, at least with this weapon, and this is what's going to help.

Do not put on the demo D50. The recoil is shocking. Do not put it on the Tempest P80 Strike Stock. It is perfect to put it on right now. The M4 SMG that we did run today's article. Let's get right on to it, man. I was seeking today's article, but let's get on to it. PR, my game brother—that's what happens when you try to kill me early on, guys.

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Right back at you, secret information. I've been sick, so I'm not really talking much in this

Best M4 SMG Class Setup Warzone 3 Best M4 SMG Loadout MW3 Warzone 3 Meta M4 SMG After Update M4 SMG Season 2. the SECRET M4 SMG in WARZONE 3! Best M4 Class Setup Loadout - MW3. The Grind Never Stops.
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