News - The Problem With Warzone 2 Is The Community

Skid Row, I couldn't imagine being a pro-Call of Duty eSports channel; there's very little positive to talk about in Call of Duty. I don't want to ever be that channel that's pushing like positive Call of Duty content because then you've rewarded these nasty greedy developers like Activision with a positive feedback loop.

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The Call of Duty AC division is notorious for not listening to the other side. I think the majority of my actual criticisms are very legitimate claims. For instance, fixing domination game modes does not reward the kills that players get for their challenges on C, and you would immediately, upon doing that, fix the camo grind community that [__]] up our goddamn games, but all they hear in their eyes is negative ban that person, block that person, never listen to that person, never invite him out to an event, never do anything with him.

What Call of Duty often fails to realize is that a lot of people are playing a character. A lot of people are just being a little bit over the top to draw attention. Any of you guys, any one of you guys that have been inside of my live streams knows that I'm an extremely chill guy and very little things bother me.

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That's the person. Adam, but the shorty index, he's really invested man, he gets real [__] mad and he loses his [__] and he gets involved, that's the character. A lot of my audience crosses over with other negative Call of Duty channels. A lot of my audience comes from Ghost of Eight, who's a character, and Legend of Thunder, who's a deep, bassy, silky smooth voice.

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We all have a similar audience; it's just that the way we go about it is different, just like the four people I mentioned. You have four very different styles of play, four very different styles of narration, and four very different styles of article, all breaking down the exact same issues. We're all going to have content overlap, and we're all going to talk about roughly the same things because none of us want to go down that Call of Duty show route.

Now that I've talked to Rick personally, I know where his beliefs lie, and he knows where my beliefs lie. I have never talked to Legend of Thunder or Ghost of Eight, but watching their content, I can see that they want the same thing that I do. I simply want Call of Duty to be good. I want Call of Duty to be fun for the solo player again.

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I want all these mechanics that are inside of the game ripped out, and I want everybody to have an equal and fair opportunity to enjoy the game. If you are less fortunate and cannot afford to buy a skin or a blueprint, you shouldn't be immediately punished and have to phas against faas. Clan will be members of every [__]] game because you're too poor to buy a game that's not your fault; those are the life circumstances that you were dealt, and you have to deal with them, and then the game punishes you for having those circumstances.

We shouldn't have to verse cheaters in every single game because Activision is too lazy to make a Ricochet anti-che that actually would work. Andor is too ignorant to believe the fact that these people aren't cheating, and let's be honest, they're allowing them to cheat because these people buy a skin so they don't stand out if they were running around to default skins.

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Remember back in Fortnite when cheaters would just run around default skins because they didn't want to pay 20 bucks for a skin? That's where the cheaters learned to evolve to buying skins, so then it doesn't look as obvious. We are all sitting here fighting the same fight; it's just that where we land on the spectrum is different.

cod commentary

Positive Call of Duty content creators want positive Call of Duty content, but you know that they're faking it and they're cheating. Positive content creators are reverse boosting and getting into easier lobbies to then sell you the fact that the game is fun so then they can feel good and get invited to Call of Duty events, where somebody like me who does it organically will never get invited to a Call of Duty event even though I probably play more than that Call of Duty.

Positive content creator I ain't never getting invited to an event because I'd call it how it is. If I got early access to Black Ops 6 and I thought the game sucked, I would say the game sucked. I've already turned down Pro sponsorships from many VPN users just simply on the fact that I don't enjoy VPNs.

I don't think that they should have a place inside of gaming, so when a gaming content creator. VPN, reaches out to me. I immediately turn them down, and I say the exact same thing: I think anything that makes the game manipulated is cheating. I want it to be a fun, fair experience for everybody.

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Get rid of the AI robot listening to everybody. Get rid of spmm. Get rid of e. And just allow gamers to be gamers again. Now this is my birthday, so I got to go do other fun things, but I do want to give a special shout out to our channel members. You guys are amazing. Now I've never hid the fact that the channel members get articles early, but I do have to say the channel members are making some stuff happen that is going to be incredible.

We are starting work on the trailer. Well, it's already started. The article will just take longer to film because it takes a lot of time to, you know, repair a trailer. But the traveling gamer content starts next May. Next May, this may come up with campsites open, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you guys enjoyed the content.

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If you're having games like this gameplay here, just focus on the objective; don't worry about it. I look forward to seeing you guys in the next article. Have a fantastic day and enjoy Rebirth Island, even though they took it out two years ago. Give back to you today, recycled.

Hope You Enjoy The Video! The problem with Modern Warfare 3 is the community of players that are too scared to say anything about the problems with Call of Duty.
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