News - The "one Shot" Lockwood 680 Will Break Warzone 3. Best Lockwood 680 Class Setup - Warzone 2

best lockwood 680 class 3

What's good YouTube In today's article, we're bringing you guys the Lockwood 680. In War Zone 3, before we get into anything, drop a like on the freaking article. Let's see if we can break 300 likes, man. I know you can do it. Comment and share. be on the screen. Let's get right on to this sexy Lwood 680 setup for the MLE.

now there are a lot of there are a lot of amazing muzzles to use on this local 680 to make it completely broken, but the Bryson CK is the best by far. It gives us that hipfire attack stand spread along with that tighter pilot spread, which does help as well. We're going to show the details really quickly.

As you see on the screen, the shotgun spread is reduced by minus 40, literally making that spread so small. Giving the accuracy to make it literally incredible, helping that hip accuracy as well, so make it even smaller, so the hip fire spread is going to be tiny on your screen. literally making this one of the best shotguns in the game and making it one shot, so you want to put on the brass and choke right now.

best lockwood 680 class setup

It doesn't show the damage that is increased, but this thing helps with the damage. As you can see on the screen at the bottom left and mid left, the damage has increased just a little bit, so you want to put on the brush trick right now for the barrel, and you do want to put on the loid defender.

He, that's an out for the barrel you want to put on the Defender heavy long barrel; it's going to help with that tube. Amor capacity R control aim a SW bull velocity and range, you definitely want to put this thing on right now. It's the best barrel for that damage range and overall. It's just broken, man.

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It's literally broken. I say this in every article. Look at me, man. This barrel is freaking broken. Put it on right now for an effective damage range. The minimum damage range, blow velocity, and reco control are all reduced. I know the handling is really bad, but don't worry about that; it's still really good.

Okay, we put on no Stocker fixes that put on the lock with Defender heavy long batt right now, or I'm going to kiss you. You guys are tired of grinding today. I want to introduce you to interlocks. It's a reliable and cheap brand that gets you all of the bot lobbies on every single camera in the game and even your weapons maxed out.

best lockwood 680 loadout 3

I can assure you that it's 100% legit, and I highly recommend their stacked accounts—literally, the best accounts in the game. TAC laser This is going to help with that hit R control, hit fire, and ta stand spread. You definitely want to put this thing on right now. It's going to help with that accuracy and Rec control.

I'm just trolling. I'm going to stop talking like that. It's going to help with that accuracy and Rec control. You definitely want to put this thing on right now. Show the details real quick, as you can see on the screen. HIIT fire spread minimum, hit fire spread maximum, and tax, spread It's all going to be boosted.

Okay, definitely put this thing on right now; it's going to make this thing completely broken. My nose is blocked as well, by the way, so yeah, But you definitely want to put this thing on right now. It's going to make this thing completely better after the stock we did put on the sword off mod; there's literally no stock.

best shotgun 3

Just literally, you can literally replace the sword-off mod with no stock; it's the same thing that gives us mobility handling, and accuracy is also increased. I know the r is reduced, but we want mobility as well. With this shotgun, it's literally secondary. We need mobility; we need it to be quick; we need to be able to move quickly.

You feel what I'm saying: We need to be moving like Jo and his bit. You know what I'm saying: you need to put on the sword off mod. I need to know your honesty, but yeah, put on the sword, mod. Okay, you definitely need this for mobility. Finally, for the bolt, we did put on the express light bolt.

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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it's going to give us that re-chambering speed, literally making this shotgun rechamber quick, making us able to shoot even quicker. It's so quick you feel what I'm saying, like you need to put on that rad of fire. Look at that plus 79 on that ray of fire. Rechamber time is also juice, literally giving this shotgun one shot.


Put this thing on right now. This is the shotgun that we did run in today's freaking article. I hope you guys are ready for today's Banger article with this lockal 680. Let's get right on to it. The New Zone is coming online. I'm literally lagging and trying to get this game for y'all, man. Look at this 70 ping for no reason; my internet is at like 10 ping.

This game is so bad, I might have to delete it and redownload it. I don't know what happens to me in every game, chat enemy, or incom. This is

Best LOCKWOOD 680 Class Setup Warzone 3 Best LOCKWOOD 680 Loadout MW3 Warzone 3 Meta LOCKWOOD 680 After Update LOCKWOOD 680 Season 1. the ONE SHOT LOCKWOOD 680 will BREAK WARZONE 3! Best LOCKWOOD 680 Class Setup - MW3. Check out INTERLOCKS for 100 LEGIT Stacked Accounts, Bot Lobbies, Camos and Much More.
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