News - The Mwii & Warzone 2 Haunting Event Sucks Just Like The Finals Beta. A Random Commentary/rant

mw2 final review

Before we go ahead and get into the KCK auki, I just need to reiterate something about modern gaming. I might have said that in a couple of articles. I think it's like Exit Studios or something. I tried to try the beta, and so we installed the joint, and I'm sitting there like I'm trying to search for a game; it keeps giving me a connection matchmaking error.

I can't even get into one single game; I tried like 20 different times, maybe 50 different times, or I didn't try a whole gang of times, and I could not get into the game, and I even went over to the practice range. And I was getting goddamn air with that joint too, man. I can't even get to the practice.

Range man like just we talking about practice, not a game not a game not a game, we talking about practice we talking about practice man I mean, how silly is that, man? We're talking about practice. They drop an open beta, right? This is a game that I'm not overly hyped for, but I was eyeing it a little bit.

You know what I mean. I was like, hit him with the R&B face a little bit. I was like, all right, man. We'll check it out. The gameplay looks fun. We'll check it out. You try this open beta, and I can't even play The Joint, so I uninstalled The Joint. But what's going on, my people? We're backing it for another one.

mw2 the haunting sucks

Happy Saturday, my favorite day of the week. Well, my favorite day of the week is when I'm not working, and my kid lets me sleep in a little bit. You know, it's Saturday. You guys know I'm a sports junkie, right? I love all sports, but I would say that hockey is my main sport. Saturday is Hockey Night in Canada.

You all know I'm a DieHard Toronto fan. Maple Leaf Blue Jays Raptors is like I grew up in Toronto, and in the GTA, everything's Toronto for me, but I do like other teams as well, but Saturday is just, that's my day, man, so it's always a good day on a Saturday. I hope you guys are making it a good one, but I want to clear a couple of things up real quick.

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I'm getting at people who are reaching out and asking me, Hey man, are you going to make this article? Can you make this article on the Modern Warfare website and have spawns? Or are you going to make that article on the snipers? And, you guys know, anybody who's been around this channel for a while knows that I always try if you ask me to make a article on something.

mw2 vs mw3

If I do it, I'll tell you that I did it. I always try to make sure that even if I don't think there's enough there for a whole commentary, I'll try to squeeze it into a commentary. I'll be like, Hey man, this is a problem. This is what I've noticed; this is what it is. If I can't do it. I will tell you that if I don't have the time for it, or maybe it's just too technical, or whatever it is.

I would be like. Hey man. I've noticed this problem as well; it's definitely something that should be addressed. But I don't think I'm going to be able to make that article, and I feel like we're at a point right now with the Modern Warfare deu and half beta where we tried to make some noise. I know I'm only a smaller channel, and we can only make so much noise.

mw3 beta gameplay

My voice is only so loud, but we tried to make some noise about some legitimate issues. While the beta was still live, I tried to get the word out as quickly as I could to give them as much time as possible to clean it up well during the beta but to clean it up in time for launch. That's what it's like: there's not much time there, though, man.

That's why we call these beta demos. There is not much time there, but it could have been an older beta build. Let's see what they do for Launch. Man. You know. You're goddamn right, we'll be making some articles on it for the snipers if the matchmaking is still as bad as we saw in the beta of Trust and Believe.

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Those articles will be made, but I think we're just at a point right now where we'll just wait for the launch. Also, there's been someone asking me for some reason. I don't know; I've never been the type to make like a final review on a Call of Duty game because I feel like my articles throughout the year are kind of like mini reviews.

mwii final review

If you watch even a few articles about that game on this channel, you'll pretty much know how I feel about the game. You know it might be some. I might make one. I don't know, but I'm getting asked if I can make a final review of Modern Warfare du I think people. I know why people are asking me to make this article, man, because it would probably be funny if I made it; it's just It's been a weird year in Call of Duty.

Man, if you guys remember back into modern warfare dues beta. I actually had a little bit of fun with the beta—not much at all, but I did have a little bit of fun in the beta, and it's been all downhill from there, from the game play to the lack of content to all the drama with this game. I ended up quitting this game for months; it's been a weird year, and a part of me just kind of wants to forget Modern Warfare dues, man, but it could make for a good article as well.

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I'll think about it. I'll tell you what everybody should ask me. I will think about it, but I'll tell you one thing we'll talk about for a minute. People have been asking me if I'm going to make a article talking about this haunting event. Modern Warfare Deuce and War Zone 2: The Haunting Event Sucks All Right Let's get a couple of positives out of the way real quick through the camo that they got in there.

mwii rant

It actually looks pretty good, and the game play you guys are seeing here is from my very first game trying out the haunting event, and I was just in here just kind of messing around when I realized it's not full gameplay right when I realized that I wasn't in a one million dollar tournament with people's families tied up in the basement.

Embassy is not a great map when you compare it to the greats that we've seen in the past with Call of Duty, but for Modern Warfare Deuce, it's a solid map, and I do like the aesthetic of the map. The only problem is that these maps don't stay. L, as Silo, don't even get me started on that map, man.

I do not like that map. I did try it for one or two games, and it's just It just seemed like whatever they did to that wasn't even very noticeable, man. It just seemed very lazy. In my opinion, the Embassy was like I was digging it, man. I was digging the Vibes. I thought it was looking cool. You got the blood all over the place, and [__] liked that it was looking cool.

mwii review

I was getting immersed a little bit with the map, but the problem with these maps is that when they give us these maps for these seasonal events, they take them away now. I know Modern Warfare Deuce and Half are right around the corner, so we're all going to be playing, and nobody's going to really be playing this joint anymore, Modern Warfare Deuce.

In this video I address a few things I've been getting asked about. The MWIII beta problems, a MWII final review the haunting event in warzone 2 mw2.
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