News - The Most Broken Lmg Warzone 3. Best Holger 26 Class Setup - Warzone 2

best holger 26 class

Y, Tubers 35 kills, with the most sleep on LMG and Primary in the brand new war zone. Hoger 26, Is absolutely insane, and you guys have got to try my brand new build. All right, guys, jumping board, The class for today's article is.

Meta holger meta setup

Meta holger meta setup

the hogre 26 lmg setup starting off for our muzzle attachment, we're going to rock the VT7 spirit fire suppressor for the enhanced recoil control bull velocity and enhanced damage range. We're also going to rock this because it makes you undetectable by radar, meaning whenever you fire this primary, you're not going to show up on the mini map because you are running a suppressor, so your little red dot doesn't show up when you shoot jumping a board with our second attachment for the hoger 26 lmg.

We're going to rock a barrel. We're going to rock the Hoger factory barrel for enhanced bull velocity, range recoil control, and gun kick control for our third attachment for the Hoger 26. We're going to go to the underbar barrels, and we're going to rock the Breu heavy support grip under the barrel for enhanced gun kick control, aiming out of sway horizontal recoil, and fire aiming stability while jumping on board with our fourth attachment for the Hoger 26.

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We're going to go to the rear grips, and we're going to use the Mour 20 grip for the enhanced Flinch resistance aiming. Auto-sway gun kick control, and most importantly, recoil control. When you look at the advanced statistics, you see you're going to get a -14, -10, and -10% recoil reduction while using this thing.

It's going to make this thing a lot more manageable. The Recoil Department J board with our fifth and final attachment for the Hore 26 setup, we're going to rock an optic, and we're going to go over and rock the Coro Eagleside 2.5x. Optic because it is the meta optic, but like I always say for optics, it ultimately comes down to whatever you're most comfortable with, so if you guys like the Coro Rock the coro if you like the slate.

Rock the Slate.

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