News - The Inconsistency Of Call Of Duty. Eomm Warzone 2

My fiancé bought it for me. I love her to death. Thank God I have her. She's the best, but this desk is right here. I'm slamming it. What are we doing here? Are you absolutely [__]] kidding me that I have to hit that guy more than that to get a [__]] kill? He's dead to rights. He's got my baby back.

He is literally on his knees, saying thank you, Daddy. The second I start shooting him, but for some reason, Activis got to slide in like little [__] block they are and say, Nope, Rick, your time is not now. We need to help this bum ass [__] on the other team get better. Are you kidding me with this?

modern warfare 3

What are we talking about, or what is an absolute joke? I don't know what we're doing here. I don't know what's going on, but let me tell you guys something: the fact that we have to help terrible players out in a game in a [__]] article game that we're all paying for, yet we want to be fair. Explain this to me, ladies and gentlemen, for those that love eomm.

For those that love skill-based matchmaking, explain to me how that's fair, where he can take more bullets than me and I take fewer bullets. Explain it to me. I want you to stop right now. Any of it is fair. I have used this Ram 9 class more than I have used my brain this whole entire [__] week.

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That is how much I am in love with this gun. I will literally go down and do some dirty ass [__]] to keep this gun the way it is, but let me tell you something: I know the damage with this gun. I know how many bullets I need to put in somebody, and I know how to [__]] use this gun better than I know how to use anything else in the world, and that's sad to say, but I'm here to admit it.


I'm not going to lie. Be as honest as I can because, as you know, Rick, I'm as honest as I come. Let me tell you, nobody's more honest than me, but the fact that shit's happening over and over and over again and not to others, they fry me at three bullets where it takes me five with the same exact guns, explains to me the fairness in that the inconsistent.

Ah, came in [__] talk, the inconsistency is at an all-time high within Call of Duty within the game and experience because you know you know what it's a fair world, yet somehow to make a fair world you have to make it even more unfair for the people that have put in the more work to make it better for them yet they get punished for being good at the game makes no sense.

No idea, it's a [__] joke, man, excuse my rant, but let me tell you something on this last minute of this article of this insane gameplay that you are watching, as I'm absolutely frying these bots within 2 a. M on a Monday morning. This is from Monday, 2 a. M i'm frying them like [__]. You guys need to enjoy yourselves.


You guys need to speak to me. You need to play with me. Enjoy your Saturday. I'm out of peace.

The damage of Guns in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 continues to be an issue. Whether it is EOMM or SBMM at work, Activision continues to be a big issue when it comes to this BS of helping terrible players.
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