News - The Fastest Way To Max Your Containment Level Warzone 2 Zombies

So, as some of you may know, if you load into the dark aether zone, you actually lose some containment, level for going into the dark a zone I'm not too sure why this is. I think it might be a bug, and it's not actually meant to be like that, but as far as I'm aware, they haven't actually fixed this as of right now.

You do still lose some containment level when you do go into the dark AA zone, so that is one thing to keep in mind if you are purely trying to grind out the containment level. Maybe don't go into the dark AA zone for a couple games; just go into Tier 3; grind out your contracts; complete as many as you can; and when you're ready to finish the game and you've got 5 minutes left of the game, you just go into Xville; normally, just go to a normal Xville.

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Zone get in the helicopter, and fly off and this isn't going to affect your containment level, but if you're quite a confident player and you know you're going to be grinding zombies quite a lot you can go ahead jump into the dark AA Zone complete the contracts there you going get some really nice loot out of those contracts, and then you can exfill out of that dark AA Zone with obviously a lot better loot because you're going to get better loot out of the dark AA zone so if you're confident and you're going to be grinding zombies and completing contracts all the time you're not really going to have to worry about losing a couple of containment level XP, going into the dark AA Zone because you're going to get some good loot out of it and then if you know you're going to go into that next game and grind tier three contracts again don't worry about it Go and jump into the dark AA Zone, but if you're someone who just plays every now and then, you just sort of want to start the game with 5, 000 Essence and 20% off the Pack-A-Punch.

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You just want the highest containment level to make the game a little bit more fun for you. You can sort of get the stuff you want off the start of the game, then maybe don't go into the dark AA Zone. Just grind your contracts, get up to the highest containment level that you possibly can, and then just go ahead and xill normally, and that is going to keep your containment level there.

And bear that in mind, guys. If you do die, crash out of the game, or whatever happens, you're not going to completely lose the whole containment level; you're going to slowly drop down, like you're going to drop down a few tiers, but you're not going to lose absolutely everything. Because in my last game, I had a containment level streak of 198.

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I then end up crashing in the game, so my game just completely crashed, and obviously I got reset. I lost all my loot. I didn't have a large backpack. You know, I got completely reset, and I dropped down to the 18 containment level, so I didn't lose everything. But I did lose a fair chunk to be totally honest, so what I recommend is just trying to keep this containment level as high as you possibly can, and the reason for this is that if something does happen, like your game crashes or you die and you didn't have a self-revive, when you thought you did or something along those lines, then you're not going to start right the way at the very beginning having to build the whole entire containment level all the way back up, so what I recommend doing is just trying to build up and just stay on top of it.

Try and get it as high as you can just game after game, even if you've already got 100 containment level streaks. Go ahead and just get more and more and more and more. Like I said, I had 198 at one point, and I still got reset all the way down to 18, which is kind of crazy, so definitely try to build on it as much as you can.


Like I said, the easiest way of doing it is just completing the contracts; it's about the only way you can do it. I believe filling in normally also actually increases it a tiny bit, but like I said, going into the dark zone is going to decrease it, so just filling in and contracting is going to be the easiest way to build up your containment level.

Just completing contract after contract after contract is going to make this so fast it's going to make it nice and easy you're also going to come out with some decent Loot and like I said it probably take two to three games to fully Max this out, and as I mentioned before if you're someone that struggles with tier three just go into the tier three Zone request to join a squad, just run to a different Squad where you can see them on the map run up to them request to join the squad and majority of the time they are going to let you join their squad, and if they don't, just run out of the Tier 3 Zone.

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If you're not comfortable there, just run out into tier three and go and do contracts in a zone that you're comfortable in, and then in the next game, try the tier three strategy again. If you're confident in Tier 3, just run around the Tier 3 Zone and grind out as many contracts as you can, go and jump into an exv helicopter, get out of the game, and you are going to get your containment level up nice and quickly in Modern Warfare 3 zombies.

Hopefully, today's article has helped you guys out. If it has, please be sure to give it a thumbs up, as it helps me out way more than you can imagine. Turn it on because we're very close to 25k subscribers now, so if you can help it out, that'd be absolutely amazing, but I appreciate you guys watching all the way to the end.

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I hope you have a great rest of your day, and I will catch you in the next one in a

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