News - The Crew Are Zombies. Richtofen & Samantha's New Plan (warzone 2 Zombies Storyline)

easter egg

They were very good friends. Weer and Samantha were best friends, yet now in Mod Warfare 3, zombies possess her eye color, as do zombies. The Cold War took place in the '80s; this is now in the year. 2021 i think or 2022 2 sometime between Modern Warfare 2019, and Modern Warfare 3 so almost 40 years later Sam has been in the dark for that long in our time but because time of the dark Works differently for her she's actually been in there a lot longer but for us in our years she's been trapped within the dark for 40 years which is an awfully long time we know the dke changes people we've already seen as a child it changed her we've already seen from her time being trapped in there in Al for Mega she was changed quite a lot we saw in forsaken's, ending Samantha has power she can shoot ethereum Crystal from her hands, she can fly that was just with her being trapped in the dke for a relatively short amount of time compared to 40 years so you can imagine how much she's changed.

Now, it doesn't only change people physically but also mentally, and it usually makes you a lot more evil. I think that's the best word to describe it if the entity is Samantha; she's definitely there, and we can see evidence of that going nowhere near, like what we last saw her when Samantha said to AA to let us in; she clearly doesn't have good intentions.


When she says o, is she referring to herself or is she referring to multiple people? Does she mean o as in everything within the world, every creature and entity? Does she mean let us in, as in the power of the dark ether and what it can give you? I'm not 100% sure, but right at the end of the cut scene, where it switches back to reality and it shows that everything that AA saw was just a vision and her eyes change back from Samanthas to her own revov, then contacts AA over the radio, which shows that her slitting revov throat was just a vision; it didn't happen, yet he then tells AA that the strike team made contact with the entity that we saw in the beginning of the cut scene, and finally, we see on AA's computer, she has images of Weaver Gray.

Carver Maxis and Revov are all members of Requim. Well, there is one character missing: Strauss. I'm not too sure why he's not there, but all of the others are Revov, which we know is still active; he's alive. Weaver Gray, and Carver dead, but strangely. Samantha's status isn't specified; it doesn't say that she's active or she's deceased; in fact, it says.


Classified. Janus, directive 6776. D Now, as far as we know. Ravov is well aware that Samantha, the last time he saw her, was trapped in the darkness, so at the very least surely. Ravov would have told AA that, and the other members of Operation Deadbolt, so you would have thought her status would have said something like trapped within the darkness or presumed dead something like that, but instead it says classify.

Janus, Directive now that we've heard of Janus before, that is Project Janis, which was Rick Tof's project, but that's about it. As far as our knowledge goes, we have no idea what Project Janus is or what it entails. There are theories and guesses that we have, but that's all they are, but the fact that it then says directive next to it can mean command order is this saying that Samantha has a role to play in Project Janus, which in one way is true because Project Janus couldn't go through without Samantha being dealt with first, which Rick Toen did in Cold War.


He got rid of her by trapping her in the dark, but that was about as far as her involvement went as far as we knew, but maybe it's deeper than that. Samantha is actually actively involved in Project Janis. Like I said, it's difficult to say because we're missing an entire game. This is just a sequel to Tr's next year's zombies game, and I'm assuming that in that game we're going to find out a lot more about Project Janis, so this will probably be answered then, which means for now we're kind of in the dark.

So yeah, there we go.

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