News - The Best Smg Warzone 3. Hrm 9 Class



In today's article, I managed to get 37 kills in one single game of Vondo using the best HRM 9 setup in Resurgence. In War Zone 3, HRM 9 is one of the fastest-killing subs right now, and it's by far one of the easiest to use with my setup. I'm going to show you guys the max movement class setup, and I'm going to show you guys the zero recoil setup for today's article.

I was using the max movement setup, but they're both insanely good, so without further ado, let's jump right into.

Class setup

In this first class, with this first class setup, I'm going to be showing you guys the movement class setup, and again, this is the class setup from today's article. I got 37 kills in one single game with that first attachment.

best hrm 9 build

We're going to be chucking on the No. 1 stock attachment. This is one of the only subs you can actually get away with using the no-stock attachment, and by using this on your gun, it really does boost the crap out of the movement speed. Your sprint speed literally everything related to speed cranks up like crazy, and using this attached to this gun honestly makes you feel like you're flying.

Don't worry about the added recoil it shows on this, because we're going to fix that for our second attachment. Because this gun shoots insanely fast, we are going to need as much ammo as possible, so we are going to be chucking on the 50-round mag. Don't worry about the decrease in ad speed and ROV speed; we're getting pretty much all that back, and then some by using that no attachment for our third attachment.

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We're actually also going to be adding something for extra movement. We are going to be using the Dr. 6 hand stop. The DR6 hand stop is not only going to increase our movement speed, but it's also going to help us aim in even faster on top of the no stock attachment. The reason we're using the DR6, over say the XRK, EDG stop is because the XRK edge stop doesn't aim in as fast.

best hrm 9 class

You might get a little bit more movement speed, but you are going to need the faster EDS of the DR6 handstop because of the muzzle we're going to be using. That muzzle we're going to be using is going to be the Jack BFB muzzle. The reason we're using this is because it significantly improves our ability to control recoil.

It smooths out our recoil pattern by 60%, removes 20% of our horizontal recoil, and takes off 40%. Of our vertical recoil, using this attachment pretty much cancels out all of those negative cons that we got by using the no stock attachment, meaning that we're now going to have a very low recoil gun that also has insane movement, and then lastly, for the fifth attachment, we are going to be chucking on the thorn 90, barrel, so the main reason for using this barrel is because it's going to give us ad speed and it's going to give us sprint speed, both of which are also going to contribute to this gun's insane fast feel, so whether or not you're sprinting, whether or not you're aiming, whether or not you're just Crouch walking, this gun all across the board moves insanely quick, and because of that muzzle we're using, it also has really low recoil.

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On screen now is the zero-recoil class setup. If you guys play the big map, I highly recommend using this instead of that other Max movement class setup. This just has a little bit more range, and it's easier to use at range, plus you guys are going to get that really nice grow iron sight. Those are the two class setups. Like I said, I got 37 kills in today's article, so without further ado, let's jump right in the game, and I hope you guys.

37 kill gameplay

37 kill gameplay

Enjoy like, does it look okay now that you have a Christmas joke? That's hella bad. Hit me with it. Up on the roof, staring down at us two people, I knocked one on the live thing; it's three.

I believe, actually, I lied to them all right. Well, I got another one. I got one knock from that door looking at you. Hun, I think I won one of the annoying squads. You have reinforcements inbound. Two more on the roof, all right? I'm on the stairs behind them; they're in my stairwell right now.

I knocked, One I near me again Yep, he's weak, all right. Your squad's in the safe zone; I'm lit up on the roof. I love stupid people.

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