News - The Best Pro Player Spots Warzone 2. Ep 7 (best Spots & Lines Of Sight)

best jump spots mw3

Now we saw a nice little play from Havoc yet again, so there's somebody camping this backside here watching the bomb and sort of peeking like this watching the back ladder. Now we all know this can be a hard push, but here's another way to take them out pretty much. You hop on the box on the outside, and you're going to be able to walk straight through wall B.

best spots mw3

It does take a little bit of getting used to two-way aim, but if you aim a little bit lower like this, you're going to be able to take them out and also wave your gun a little bit, and once you get the hit marker, aim in that spot; they're really not going to be expecting this. One, here we have a really useful spot as well on Terminal if you come up top this one's from lunchtime now you could just lie here to get kills down this way but you're more exposed but if you actually drop down onto this little ledge here so just Edge your way off slowly, you can do it a little bit faster but I just want to make sure I hit it so here you go you can actually lie down on this and you can sort of make it into a head glitch looking over that spot there towards Burger you use this through Advantage you could play this as an off angle if people are rushing down this way down the esis, and you know you can pop in and out and they're going to think that you sort of jumped off the building they may come and CH but you're going to still be up here like this so it's really good you can ED your way all the way along this just as a little nice spot, you can also Mount but it does throw you off as.

cdl spots

Well, so here's a nice spot on Terminal from Havoc now if people are camping in the cockpit of the plane obviously you could Chow through here but they may be pre-aiming that now this is a nice spot to catch them off guard so you climb on the boxes of course you know you can hop to see in there but if you want to just be able to see all the time you can actually walk onto a ledge, or you can jump onto it as well and you're going to be able to see in there and if somebody's lying down here, you're going to be able to jump and see into there to get the Kill, up next we have a nice spot from attach now we're on subbase, now if you come to this catwalk here towards the P2 building you can actually hop on the railings and you're going to be able to get a very nice off angle on anybody spawning back there so you can watch this if you're on P2 maybe they're spawning also for P4, you can also watch but don't fall off like I did there but it's just a nice off angle to take anybody out who's camping over there and whil we're in this area as well another little jump up spot if you hop on this little red thing here you're going to be able to hop up onto the catwalk to save you going around up the ladder or up the stairs as well.

god spots

Up next we have a spot from the movement King himself Shotsy, so basically you want to come back at the Top chicken here it's just a quick way to get on this roof so you want to jump onto this ledge and aim for this little broken bit there as you can see it's a little bit touchy but if you just Spam the mantle button whilst you're up there you're going to be able to hop on this roof, and it just gives you a quicker way to get up you could also use this as another way to get onto top third as well we'll just quickly get over that way there but if you try and jump elsewhere you're not really going to make it as often you know it's a little bit touchy, but yeah you just want to aim for this one and you're going to make it most of the.

Time, so here's a little spot you can use off shoty pretty much going to run and jump and you're going to make it straight through the bus and you can use this to flank anybody pushed into this building or you can also check the bomb site as well just gives you a little bit more cover you know as you're jumping out cuz I'm not really going to expect you to end up inside of the bus.

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All in one motion like that, another little line of sight from Attach is that if you hop on this little generator here, you can actually get a nice head glitch over the top of this tanker in front of us. You can look up into the big building windows, or you can even hop on top of them, and you're going to be able to see into P5 there, so this could be a really good one because nobody's really going to be checking it.

god spots mw3

You could also hear it straight off a spawn or maybe catch anybody coming around on it. Flank, here we have a really simple but effective spot off of Cami. Now, I haven't really seen anybody utilizing this, but he was sitting on top of these little boxes, looking over towards that bomb push there from mid-corridor.

You can also just see up to the top. Now most of you probably already know this, but since we saw Snoopy using this one in the game. I thought I'd just mention it in case there's anybody you didn't know, but the quickest one of the quickest ways from this angle to get onto the roof is actually just hopping on the railing, and you're going to be able to get onto top F like that to save you coming around up the boxes, or on the ladder, or up that way there, so just hop onto the side of railing there and straight on the roof.

highrise spots

Yeah, another one from Havoc, a pretty simple one, but we utilized these boxes for a head glitch last time, but this time if you just lie down, you're going to be able to look through this hole inside the bottom of the boxes, and you can use that to watch your B streak push. You could maybe pick up a kill if somebody's pushing through or if they're walking slowly, or you may be able to get some damage off and then pop out and finish off the kill.

You could also use this from another angle. Obviously, you're a little bit exposed as you're lying here, so you're better off using it from the other side, but maybe if you know somebody's pushing around and maybe you're being chased and you're hurt, you could just dip down, wait for the push, and catch them off guard.

jump spots

So whilst we're on subbase I thought I may as well mention this one from Oki we saw him using this on rank play so pretty much what he did was sit on the side of this little boy here out in the water, so you can just climb up it's a little bit buggy for some reason, but if you just hop on it like this you can watch that back push there as well as anybody coming around this side here you know it's not always going to be a very useful one but it is worth noting that you can actually do that and you can also hop onto each of these little pillars as well might just give you a nice spot if you know the enemies are pushing up from P3 towards P3 through that big door right there maybe able to catch them off guard and watch Your teammate's.

Today we have episode 6 of Pro Player Spots and Lines of Sight in COD MW3. We take a look at pro player spots including Shotzzy, Snoopy, Havok more. Use these in Multiplayer or Ranked Play to help you improve your game and get more kills and wins.
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