News - Solo Tombstone Glitch. Works Every Time - Schematics. Essence. Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone Glitch

Whenever you're doing that, I would suggest accepting the vote on console whenever you switch from 2 to 1. Now comes the most important part. This is going to be how you keep your insured weapon, so what you're going to want to do is enter exactly at 6 seconds. I suggest getting all the way to the edge right before it triggers, and then sprinting in whenever it hits seven.

duplication glitch

You can see here that it takes me about a full second to get to the edge; it immediately turns to six, and at that point you are good from that timing perspective. The last step to this glitch is very easy, but there is a specific place I want you to quit on all platforms. It is very simple, so you're going to see it eliminated.

A lot of people on console quit, so I don't suggest that you quit as soon as this dark ether zombies symbol shows up at the top left. That is your signal. You can wait a full second in between actually quitting. Versus, you know, doing it immediately when you see it, it doesn't matter that portion of the timing is not hard to hit the 6 seconds; that is the most important portion, okay?


So remember that if you are watching this article, hit the six seconds now. If you hit five or seven, you will still get your items, but sometimes you will lose your weapons. It all depends. Remember how long a second actually is, guys, and when you're getting down to one second versus another being too long or too short, just keep in mind that yes, if you miss this by half a second or a full second or whatever, if you see 5 4 3 2 whatever, you may actually lose your weapon, but you shouldn't lose any of your items as long as you see the eliminated symbol.

Now, depending on whether you're on a console or PC, you just need to force quit the game. You can look that up on your respective consoles on PC; it's obviously just all F4, but when you come back in, you're going to have your insured weapon, your lethal, your tacticals, your field upgrade, as well as all the items that you intended to originally duplicate.

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So that's pretty much it, guys. Now, when you go back into the game, just remember that your tombstone will be at the graveyard, and you can repeat this over and over again. Share items with your friends and enjoy them. I will catch you in the next article. I love you guys. Have a good one.

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