News - Rebirth Island Will Be Better Warzone 3. Here's Why

War Zone Mobile is coming out this week on Wednesday and will allow for pro-grade progression on multiple maps like Verance, Reir Island, and Fortune. The anti-cheat is still having issues, but I don't think there will ever be an anti-cheat that can get rid of cheaters. I mean, that's what cheaters are trying to do to make money on selling cheats, but overall, there's a variety of maps to play; there's, legitimately, four Resurgence Maps right now, if you count, or zikan as I like to call it, and there's a lot of new settings and quality of life changes, like vests that have been introduced throughout the course of War Zones 2 and 3.


I think the game has had a lot of new content come in and has a lot of options to play right now. Even new modes like lockdown have been taking over, and, even though it's not in the playlist rotation, right now it offers a lot legitimately. One of the only issues is going to be how you balance all these playlists and give people the opportunity to play what map they want to play right now for me.

I think the question is: will Rebirth Island save War Zone 3? The question I want to pose to you is: Will it ever be enough? Is Call of Duty ever going to be enough for you? And are you going to play something that you constantly complain about? Now, I'm not saying go ahead and quit Call of Duty.

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I'm just trying to push the Call of Duty community to be a little more optimistic and positive. I, for one, am super excited for the return of Rebirth Island. You can't wait, but in the meantime, you get support to try to enjoy War Zone, as you can find whatever mode you want, whether it be multiplayer or plunder.

rebirth coming back

Battle Royale or Resurgence, and when rebirth comes back, accept it for what it is; don't compare it to War Zone 1 because that game is dead and will be forever. War Zone 1 will never return, but what can always come back is your positivity, optimism, and outlook on playing the game. And there's one more on your screen if you want to go watch one.

Stay hungry; stay humble.

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