News - Optic Dashy Challenge. Taq 56 Warzone 2 Cdl Moshpit

I capture it and I go back running backwards, but I end up cutting back in, through their bottom A, and finding one, and then I'm going to go back to my side A just to play with their heads or to help my teammates out, and I end up making a good play here with the ads because I know someone's tower is one off a cruise missile, and I find the cruise missile that I needed for the challenge now they caught it in a cruise missile of their own, which allowed me to get pooped on by this guy.


but my teammate makes a good play and finds one, but he dies, and that ends up being the death of the round item to find a zoo up top, and I get instantly traded by this guy, which sucks, so we're probably going to lose this round. It's a 2v12. I try my best. I get a double kill right here with my teammate, but the timing is bad.

I get killed by the third guy, and we lose that round, which is actually fine for me because I need to make a comeback, which allows me to get more kills. Our team just starts slaying them out, gets all four dead off the start, and I'm able to find a quick double piece off to start around in their spawn end, up starting reloading, and gets killed by this guy, which is unfortunate because he just spawned on me and they're hitting B-cleared.

cod mw2

him off B when I spawned up this, it allowed me to get pushed up in their soccer field and find this free, which is the dude using the G8 smokes, and then I find another, two-piece, well, actually a three-piece if you count my teammate, but I got hyped a little bit right there and ended up calling in the cruise missile because I thought they're going to get a foothold on B but teammates end up smoking them off B, so I find this all the way in the back stairs, which just allows me to know that they're going to probably hit an off-spawn, so.

I use this nade; it causes a little glitchy smoke, which lets me see through the smoke. I chop that, and there are two of them, which makes it awkward. I made a good play here. I make a crazy read on this guy, and I end up knowing that my teammate was going to get this to the left, sealing the round win and making it a 2-2 tie going into the last round.

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I told my team we have to hit A; it's just a smart thing to do, to flank all the way through, and I'm able to find this trying to flank R A and end up finding him, which is a good play, and then I play my life right here and let a teammate get this off the field for me. And, then, we just basically win the point where our teammate dies right here, but I see his teammate, and this dude's going to be one shot.


I'm just going to keep pre-pronging until I get him, and this is going to allow me to finesse. I try to get in their spawn, but the goes up the hill and ends up frying me, so I can't spawn trap, which is a good play from him, but teammate finds the trade now that I've spawned up and this is for the 41st kill, and I end up getting it, and that is just the confidence I need, so now I know that I can do anything right here.

I need to play for B but end up just corner camping right here and finding a Stark, which allows me to get pushed up and all the way back into their patio, where I find a free kill and this Stark. The comeback happens, and I end up getting into this little corner, and I thought I threw right here; I end up throwing my life away, and this is terrible because it gives us no pressure on the point, and a teammate finds a big kill, but he's going to get traded instantly.

dashy cod

Now we only have 18 seconds to get to the point. On the rip, they get a kill, and this dude's going to find two more on the other team, so this is really 2v4, and for the point now. I find one teammate. Dies, so it's just me basically right now I kill this guy, and teammate ends up finding one detail left, and now we're on the point, it's seven seven, and they have one push at it now, and we find this up top.

This was a huge kill, and now I just found myself going off instinct, so whenever I'm on this B point, someone always flanks from right here, so I'm just holding it. It ends up being the winning move because this comes here and gets no aim assist because of the thing, and it ends up being the winning move of the round and winning control with 46 kills completed, including the Dashie challenge where I had five double kills and also got that cruise missile.

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Now, these detailed stats are actually pretty insane. I end up dropping 46 kills in 20 deaths for like a 2.3 KD and 31 accuracy. With the scar, that is insanely high. Also, comment below if you like this article. I was trying something new, and if you want to watch another article, I suggest this one right here.

It's just about the most unique class setup that a pro uses in Modern Warfare 2. See, ya

Call of duty modern warfare 2 Optic DASHY CHALLENGE video. I created the optic dashy challenge.
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