News - Old Call Of Duty Is Gone Forever. Warzone 2


Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I never thought this was possible, not even in the one month we got going here. I cannot even believe this was possible. I didn't even think in a year I would even be at this number, so the fact that I'm here. I cannot say thank you enough. I cannot say thank you to everybody who's new, who has been here since the beginning, who's been here since the middle, whenever you have joined.

I cannot thank you enough if you even liked or commented on a article. I appreciate you so much more than you can ever even understand, but what I'm going to be talking about in this article is, man, old Call of Duty. You know the basics. Call of Duty that we are used to seeing is gone, and what I mean by that is that obviously there's a thing called skill-based matchmaking that has taken away Call of Duty and taken away the most basic stuff that we're used to, right?

It's just the basic foundation of Call of Duty. What it was built on was just finding a game as quick as possible, and then if you liked that lobby, if you liked who you're playing with or against, you were able to stay in that lobby as long as you wanted until people left or until you left, and it made the game fun; you gained friends and enemies; it created more competition if you started talking [__] in the game you wanted to have—way better games than the next game or in that game.

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By talking to whoever was in your lobby, if you liked who you're playing with, you were able to continue playing with them, and you didn't have to leave. Invite them or possibly have a glitch where you couldn't invite them, and therefore you are lost. You have lost playing with those people forever.

It's something as basic as the UI in the Call of Duty game, where the basics—find a match, create a class, and barracks leaderboards—are all gone. It's gone it's now got all this. Pushing out all these updates, pushing out all these store bundles that are coming out, pushing out everything in a way for them to make more money, old Call of Duty the way it used to be the way it was in the past when it was the best when it was at its peak is forever.

call of duty

Gone, and the biggest thing with that is that, just like my last article talks about, the operator skins are making way too much money off this game to be able to change anything. When do we expect something to change when people start losing money? That is not happening right now. Although they are losing sales or their sales are declining, are they truly losing money?

in the store, I don't think they are. It seems like, as I stated in my other article, 400 cod points for a John Wick operator pack. Do you know how much money that is? That is about $30. Half of this, or almost half of this game's price if you just buy the $70 version, or over half of this game's price if you get it on sale.

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For a [__], operator bundle to see a to be seen as John Wick even though you don't have any way to see yourself except for the [__] hands holding the gun so everybody else gets to enjoy your operator skin. Although I wouldn't want to [__] enjoy it because it pisses me off, I have no idea who's on my team.

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But that's besides the point; that's the other article I posted yesterday. But I'm trying to tell you guys that Call of Duty is not coming back anytime soon, and I will continue to see. Why this is happening, I continue to see in the Call of Duty community, Why this is happening. There are people who agree with me.


But believe it or not, there are a lot of people who disagree with me. It doesn't matter who they are or their age; it doesn't matter when they started playing Call of Duty. Of the people in their opinions. I don't have a full thousand or hundreds of thousands of surveys to be able to explain this, but based on my articles.

Now I don't know anybody except for a few people that like skill-based matchmaking disbanding lobbies, so I think the majority stands on getting rid of it, but I also feel like that could also be false. It could be because, if it were, how does this game continue to keep on growing? And how do they continue to raise prices?

It's got to be something going on here. It might be that I'm wrong; it might be that the old Call of Duty is gone and this new Call of Duty is better. Business-wise. I don't know, but for the guys, the gals, and everybody that agrees with me and says that this [__] is sickening to see and this [__] is not what we want.


I think we're going to have to adjust. I think nothing's going to change because, in the end, everybody, little Timmy, and the dudes in between the girls in between whoever's [__] buying the skins whoever's loving—this skill-based matchmaking and all this—it seems to be not affecting Activision because if it were.

I feel like it would have been one of the cleanest, easiest switches in Call of Duty history, but it's been years; it's been. I think, since what 2019 has, I've seen it the most; that's almost five; that's almost now; it's almost 2024 that we haven't seen anything; change, that's scary. That's scary for a guy like me.

warzone 2

I mean, like I said. I'm going to have to adjust. I guess, and it stinks to say that because I'm just hoping for a game. I'm hoping for the Call of Duty game to come back like I thought it was, where I could see my [__] deaths without having to hide them where I could see them. Who is in my game and then be able to play with them again after where I can play free-for-all and still, make some competition within that free-for-all Lobby for multiple hours in the night instead of getting a new Lobby every time where I can have a basic game where I don't see all these [__] operator skins running around confusing me on who's on my team and who's not where I can just basically have some fun that's all I want, that's all I hope for, but I know I know it's not going to happen.

I know it's gone. I know the old Call of Duty will not be coming back anytime soon, and I don't know how to bring it back. Other than money, it all comes down to money. It all comes down to the most basic thing in the world that drives everything in the world in the countries that we exist in. Everything is because of money.

It doesn't matter how many of us complain if they continue to make money off of it if they continue to make money off of being lazy. Nothing's going to change because it's about money, man. At the end of the day, and at the end of the game the game in general, everything is about money. They're making small changes here and there, and I'm going to give them that, but in the end.

Activision has control over what really is bringing this game down and what really is not allowing this game to be great. By allowing this community to be great and this franchise to be great again, they have the they have the tool to change it if they want, but they're not going to. It sucks; it does.

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I do not know when Call of Duty will go back to the days where players played for hours. Activision seems to be worried about money and not the gaming experience itself. We need to save Call of Duty, but it may be too late. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.
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