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Leaked future wonder weapons
In the war zone before now moving forward. Wonder Weapons that seem to be coming to Modern Warfare Zombies, based on information that's available, and I'm assuming that means in the files this is courtesy of Vony, is POG over on Twitter, and real quick he also tweeted out a list of Black Ops Golf War weapons.
This was already covered quite a bit ago, but the ray gun and jet gun are also seemingly within the game. Voni goes on to say that the crbs. From Black Ops Cold Wars, Mard or Totten could be coming to Modern Warfare zombies. Now. I'm not sure if this is based on any code strings or something that this person has heard, but it's something really cool to consider, and it was a really fun wonder weapon to use with them.
Mal or Totten specifically. Not really because it was too good but just because of what it had to offer because around when you shot zombies in Mal or Totten the zombies, would drop these alternate ammo types for the wonder weapon that you go around and you pick up and you can begin to just blast zombies with different abilities with the same wonder weapon and you can constantly switch them so long as you have a different attachment on the floor and what better mode to feature a weapon like this than a Modern Warfare Zombies mode where you can loot items where when you shoot zombies they can drop and things it's perfect for this mode so not only is it allegedly, going to be coming according to this person but it just makes so much sense to come back more than any other wonder weapon that is He also says that there's something referred to as the Terminus Golden Gun, which I'm not sure what the heck that means; I don't think anyone does it, but it sounds interesting, and he goes on to say that there's a new pistol-shaped wonder weapon referred to as the pl32.
Inscribed on it is Operation deadbol, number 20, so again not much we can really look too much in to these could all be different versions of the same weapon cuz like I said the cus, is a pistol from Black Ops Cold War and there were different variants of it so who knows there can be different Pack-a-Punch, names different upgrades that we actually pick up this could all be the same version of the same weapon we'll have to just wait and see but it sounds really cool and I'm excited to see them planning future content and this is the type of thing that if it doesn't come to Modern Warfare Zombies right now I believe this is the type of thing regardless, that the team now responsible for Modern Warfare Zombies is responsible for these Wonder Weapons, maybe a new perk and stuff to this capacity, not that they can't bring the heat but when you have very established teams of developers like Treyarch.