News - Now Replacing Every Smg Warzone 3. Cor 45 Conversion Kit



In today's article, I managed to get 31 kills with the fastest TTK gun right now in all of War Zone 3. The core 45 conversion kit has a time to kill that is up to 200 milliseconds, faster than the SMGs that are popular right now in the current meta. I don't know why more people aren't using this to be honest with you guys.

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Class setup

Let's jump into the class, all right? So for the class setup, the first thing we're going to have to unlock is going to be the conversion kit.

cor 45

Now what this conversion kit does is incredibly special, and it honestly is the reason for this weapon's very fast time to kill. It cranks up the fire rate because it turns this trigger into a binary trigger, meaning that every time you pull the trigger once, it shoots, and every time you release it, it shoots again, so whatever rate you're pulling the trigger at, it basically doubles that, and that's your fire rate.

This also boosts the crap out of the bullet velocity and the damage range on this gun, allowing you to get kills from really far away. The gun doesn't have much recoil at all either because it's a pistol, and you have incredible movement. I know that the trigger is a little bit weird to get used to, but it's 100% worth it, especially because it kills so much faster than all the SMGs right now.

cor 45 3

As you'll see in today's article, people were mind-blown at how fast I was killing them. In the next attachment, we're going to be running the XRC dynamic. Precision stock This is going to help reduce our recoil on the gun, and it's not going to reduce our ad speed very much. I find personally that when I'm using semi-auto, guns like this and I'm spamming the crap out of my trigger it's a little bit harder for me personally to be accurate and I think most people are the same way and that's why I like to use a couple of recoil attachments with this setup for the third attachment we're going to be chucking on the 40 round mag we are 100% going to need this like I said at the start of the article this gun shoots incredibly, quickly and although it has a very fast T to kill with that fast fire rate we are going to need as much ammo as possible toble to get Squad wipes before we have to reload for our fourth attachment we're going to be chucking on any optic that you want the iron sights on this gun Truthfully, some people can get away with using that, but I personally just don't like this; it's harder for me to be accurate, especially when tracking somebody.

This seems impractical, but to me, I personally like to use the Nidar Model 2023. Optic: I think it has the cleanest sight, but some people do have a preference for others, so whenever optic you guys want to use. I would chuck that on, and then lastly, for our fifth attachment, we're going to be chucking on a muzzle for a little bit of extra recoil control.

Also read:

We're going to be using the brewing and triport. Muzzle This muzzle is going to help our vertical recoil and our horizontal recoil, and it's going to help smooth out our recoil pattern by giving us an extra gun. Kit Control does say it slows down our ad speed a little bit, but honestly, we just kind of have to hit on this one gun's incredibly fast time to kill, which makes up for it anyway.

Also read:

I just want to note that some of you guys might be wondering why you aren't using the Jack BFB. The answer to that question is that you actually can, because this is a pistol. The Jack BFB muzzle is not actually usable on this weapon, so that's why we're using the next best thing, the Brew and Triport muzzle, which is going to be the class set up for today's article.

I managed to get 31 kills in today's Bondle gameplay using this without further ado. Kick back, relax, and I hope you guys.

31 kill gameplay

31 kill gameplay

I just, maybe not, never. Mind, thank you. The last guy's in the water too. By the way, I can't do anything he says. King Prodig, you should be Solo quading in the match chat is still really fun, man. Hey, we like 31 kills, though 31 kills 12K damage is kind of a scam, but it's all good.

We got the win, and we got the 30

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