News - New Warzone 2 Zombies Secret Rooms Easter Egg: Free Wonder Weapons Every Game

There have been some games where we've actually had a third version of a key drop, which is a glitch and should not happen, so just be aware if that is the case, and now I'm going to show you the location of all secret rooms in the order in which I got the keys.

Officers quarters room location

Officers quarters room location

In this article, starting with the officer's quarters key, make your way into the Outlast room and take the staircase. Either to your left or to your right on the opposite staircase, go up one floor, and here you're going to find the albra, the officer's quarters. There are two rooms here, and using death perception, we can see that in one of the rooms, we have a wonder weapon, so let's go ahead and open that, and here we go.

We've got a ray gun case inside of here, and we're definitely going to pick that up, and in the opposite room we are always guaranteed to get some sort of drop, and in here it is a max ammo, so.

Barracks room location

dark aether all locked rooms

This is the location for the barrack, so if we open our map, you're going to be going right here through this open door, which takes you directly to the barrack door, so unlocking it and opening it, we are guaranteed a full armor power up in here and the chance of a wonder weapon case on the bed, so now we're going to go for the munition storage room key, so again, from Pack-a-Punch, we're going to take a right all the way down here, follow it along, and it's going to be this building.

Munitions storeroom location

Right here, and this is a really, really tight area, and inside we have two different locked spaces, so in this game, the right one will always have an insta kill inside, but the one on the left sometimes has the chance of a wonder weapon. In this particular run, we didn't get it; instead, we just got a mer cache, but in other runs.

Abf antiquities office location

Abf antiquities office location

I've managed to get wonder weapons inside of here, so the next location is going to be the antiqu, so from where the Pack-a-Punch machine is, we're going to just take these stairs. Go up into the Outlast room, and then we're just going to take a right, and then right here we have the Antiques office that we can unlock.

Top floor bedroom location

And we have a wonder weapon case, let's go, and this is the Wonder Waer dg2, so the last location we have to show you is the bedroom, okay, so here on the map is where you're going to find your door to the bedroom key, so there's two methods to go up to the bedroom. You can go up the stairs here and then to the second floor through this door.

dark aether easter egg

You'll find it right there, or alternatively, you can just use this ladder on the side of the building, just go straight up to the floor that you need, and then boom, right here, we've got it. So in this instance, with death perception, we can already see there is nothing in the room, but it's always guaranteed to have a nuke power-up.

There's also the chance of a wonder weapon being there on the bed.

Final advice

Once you start to learn where every single key is, both the fixed location and the random location, you can go ahead and get them every single time you go in the dark. Go into every single secret room and be able to come out with as many as four wonder weapons in one game, or you might get unlucky and only find one, or maybe not find any at all, but you're guaranteed in most games to find at least one wonder weapon, and if you're doing this to farm the Elder sigil, or perhaps just to try and get some of those classified schematics, then this is an absolutely incredible thing to do.

Also read:
MW3 Zombies Dark Aether Secret Rooms Easter Egg FREE Wonder Weapons Every Game.
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