News - New Warzone 2 Secret Update: The Boys Return, Free Rewards, Lockwood 300 Meta, More. Warzone 2

Secret mw3 update content

Secret mw3 update content

Welcome back to a brand new article. In today's article, we're going to talk about a secret update that has taken place in Modern Warfare 3. A quick reminder: I am doing a huge giveaway for Modern Warfare 3, so if you don't have the full game, definitely enter that giveaway. It's good to go for a chance to win.

Definitely make sure you enter it because we only have a couple days until we choose the winners.


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Cod 20 year celebration reward

cod mw3 black noir bundle back

In just a couple days, we are going to be getting the big Modern Warfare 3 season 1 holiday update, and that's going to take place on the 20th. We talked about it and covered all the details that you need to know about it in a article that I uploaded a couple days ago, but before that, we're going to be receiving a brand new blog post, which more than likely is going to be coming out tomorrow or the day after that because the update is Wednesday, and they said that they're going to be releasing some sort of information.

To give us a little bit more details on what this event has, the content that this event will contain, and so much more. I don't even think you got this email, so it seems like this is just exclusive to PlayStation players. If you have a PlayStation account connected, you may end up getting the email even if you don't play on it, but when you go to the site to actually redeem it, it sounds like you're only getting 1 hour, but you're actually getting 40 of them because you will get yourself one hour every single day for 40 hours total, so it says right here limit 1 hour to a double XP per day; 40 hours total applies to all double XP redemptions.

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Modern Warfare 3 and Modern Warfare 2 as well as War Zone, and this email comes directly from PlayStation, which is why it's only exclusive to PlayStation users. I checked the email; I received it yesterday, on the 16th, so make sure you check your emails and make sure it's coming in from Playst. Because they are the ones who are sending out this code, hopefully Xbox, maybe Steam, and Battl Net will follow through and maybe have theirs sent out in the next couple days, but this sounds like it's just a PlayStation exclusive if you're not on PlayStation and also want some double XP tokens.

Free cdl xp rewards

Free cdl xp rewards

This applies to everyone. You can go over to the Cod League; they are now live. I believe they're live every time from Thursday through Sunday, and it's every single week, so all you have to do is connect your YouTube channel to your Activision account, which you can do in the YouTube settings. The hour after that, it will alternate and switch to a Double XP token for 30 minutes, and it'll keep going back and forth the longer you watch, the more you get and reminder that it ended up glitching out last week and ended up giving people hundreds of tokens We still have no idea if it was intentional or not, but just watch it, and it may end up happening to you if you're lucky enough, but regardless, that's a way that you can get double XP tokens.

Secret meta weapon update patch notes

cod patch notes

Let's go ahead and talk about the secret update in Modern Warfare 3 over the last couple days. Call of Duty did that big update, and some changes started appearing that weren't a part of the patch notes. For example, the tyr, Snake Shot Meta, ended up arriving in the war zone. It was meant to be nerfed in the patch notes, but they ended up making a mistake and buffing them on accident, making them super overpowered.

They were just one shot, and people were running around using them. If you didn't use them at that time, then people would be using them against you. They added the Melstrom Dual Trigger Attachment, and this ended up making the Lockwood 600 a one-hot weapon. At the time, it became easily the most overpowered weapon that we saw in the War Zone, and everyone was using it.

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It took them a couple updates to fully Nerf it, but it seems like last night they undid whatever they did to Nerf it in the first place, and now it's just as powerful as it was back in War Zone 2 with the amount of articles that people have been posting over on Twitter and Youtube. Tik Tok's probably going to end up getting nerfed once again, but that's just one of the things that seems to have secretly happened since the update from MW3, which we just got last week.

The boys operators updated

The boys operators updated

The next secret update that they did was update the icons for the boy operator skins. One of the biggest questions that I got was about the boys event that's coming in during the midseason.

The update is Will Black Noir: Homeland. As well as Starlight returning to the game, they've updated their icons, and it seems like that might actually be the case. Usually, with changes like these, they'll never mention them in the patch notes, but leakers will end up finding them when they go through the files, and it's a good thing that we saw this because that means that the boys operator skins will actually make their way back into the game, so if you never got them the first time around they were in the store, you will have a chance to get them once this event starts up again.

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There's also another secret change, and that is that calling cards are now officially tracked, so some of the calling cards were not tracking throughout Modern Warfare 3 and just started tracking the other day. According to MW2, OG said the best of the best is now tracking, and the challenge is to get the highest score and win the challenge, and now it is finally working for players.

There are also other calling card challenges. It says Ludi challenge masteries are tracking properly now too, with automated kill streaks and pilot kill streaks tracked for taking down respective streaks. And then they said nice, this challenge is tracking now as well as all the bug challenges that he talked about that weren't previously working out and you weren't able to complete, are not working, and none of this was mentioned in the patch notes either, and then the next thing that we have is that there's now a new gift pack that is available in the store.

Free gift pack in mw3

Free gift pack in mw3

I wouldn't want to say it's a secret update or anything, but that's just available for you. I almost forgot to remind you guys that this is a brand new charm that you can now unlock through a gift pack. Usually, these go away after a couple days of being in the store. I'm not sure how long it's been in the store for; maybe it could have been a couple days, but I know it's probably going to get replaced with the Wednesday update that we have, so if you have not claimed it yet, be sure to claim it.

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