News - New" Warzone 2 Aim Assist Settings Make Controller Players Overpowered. Warzone 2 Best Settings

117118 but they're never going to 120 because it actually gives you input delay and lag when you have it maxed out at 120, so you don't want that anymore, so if you're 111, 120, make sure to put it at least 117, 118, and don't fully max it out that should help out a lot cuz if in those gunfights if you're running around and you lag a lot or in those little small lags it can cost you a gunfight, it can cost you to get a nuke or anything like that so make sure to copy that down and we have our ads field of view here at affected now if you have it on Independent.

best aim assist mw3

I'm sorry to say you are playing Cod wrong, so if there is a weapon that is a fast-firing weapon, it is the MTZ. Any submachine gun in the game has a lot of assault rifles, sometimes the BP 50 and stuff. It has a fast fire rate, which is going to give it a lot of visual recoil, so when using independent, if you aim down sides and start firing your camera, it actually zooms in, so the visual recoil is going to be even crazier, so we don't want that.

So a lot of people ask me, Why are you running so fast? Why don't you have as much recoil or visual recoil? I'm using the same build. It's because I'm using effected my weapon isn't zooming in while I am a downside, so that is going to come in clutch if you're in your gunfights. Same with the weapon field of view we're going to have on mine on wide, and if you have it on default, it looks the same and everything's kind of normal-looking, but having it on wide actually makes the weapon look smaller, so again, if there's a lot of visual recoil on a weapon or recoil.

best aim assist settings mw3

You're not going to really notice that, so if you see a difference, try it on Independent, try it on default, and then go back and play on affected and wide, and you're going to see a huge difference, so go ahead and copy those down, now we have our camera settings here which we have World motion blur and weapon motion blur we're going to put that on off now if you're playing with these on, go ahead and turn them off because you don't want your game to look blurry.

best mw3 aim assist settings

You spinning around and everything if you're trying to be extra, sometimes when you blur around and everything like that you're not going to be able to see a Target same with the weapon if it has motion blur you're not going to be able to see a lot going on around you as you guys see here when you go through your settings you can see with it on with it off you're going to tell a huge difference, on how the game looks clean and everything and that's why I've had also a lot of people say, why does your game look so clean because of these settings like this motion blur on your weapon and in world go ahead and turn off same with your film grain go ahead and turn that all the way down you don't want your game to look grainy or anything we don't want that and the final thing here we're going to have on our camera settings is our first person camera thing we're going to have this on 50%.

You want to go ahead and turn this down. It's going to help you if you get motion sickness and everything, so it's not as crazy. Same with your third person, and that's really it.

Best audio settings mw3 season3

Best audio settings mw3 season3

Now we're in our audio settings here next, and there's not too many things I want to talk about here, but I will mention that having a head headset on your head is super important. You know, if you're playing on speakers and everything, you can hear footsteps.

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They're probably most likely really inconsistent on where they actually are, you know, having a headset, and I'm running the Astro A40s. I know that's kind of an older one.

Best interface settings mw3 season 3

Best interface settings mw3 season 3

I'm sure a lot of you guys already have these on. Mini map shape: you want to have it on a square; don't have it on a circle. The map is rusty. Yes. I know I am kind of a nerd if I can read a mini map to know where I'm at here, but having this, as you guys see here, circle and square, if you guys see it on your screen, you see so much more on the square mini map than you do the circle, and you know me running a UAV.

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With advanced UAV, it's going to be a lot more clear and clean for me to see and read the spawns, and that is another way that I read spawns. You know, a lot of people say always hacking, but I've been playing Call of Duty for 20 years if you can't read a mini map playing Advanced UAVs and everything.

best mw3 settings

I don't know what to tell you, really. I mean, just reading a mini-map is really like reading a book while doing a test. Free answers i mean, free kills. It's the same thing, so make sure to have it on Square. Now we're going to go to our crosshairs next, and we're going to have it on static. Here our center dot is going to be on, and we're going to have our center dot scale on larger.

I don't recommend largest, but I've had a lot of people ask me in the streams, when I did stream and everything, how is your centering so good now? I will say one thing that will help you center: having the center dot scale larger. Most of the time, you know, you can look through a wall and everything like that and it will show you their name so you can see them there is a bunch of cheese spot on the map and just sometimes you can just see their name through walls and fences, and everything like that so it is kind of a cheat code if you have the player name on full name so you can see their full name and again if you are with a long name, you're at such a disadvantage, so I would kind of recommend you change your name to something smaller.

best settings mw3

Like mine, mine's just paradox, but sometimes people go dash dash, just a simple number and everything, so again, full name gives you a crazy advantage here, but in my opinion, these are the best settings as of right now here in the Modern Warfare 3 season 3 Reloaded update, so make sure to give them a try.

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