News - New Updated Stress Free Zero To Hero Guide For Warzone 2 Zombies. Callofduty #warzone 2tips

aether blade

All right In today's article, we're going to go from absolute zero to fully stacked out and kitted out by our operator in one simple run. With that being said, I hope you guys stick around. I do appreciate all the support on the YouTube channel. I've been ill for about 3 weeks with a horrible flu bug and chest infection, and it has not been fun at all.

So, with that being said, just welcome in. With that being said, let's get to the intro and the guide. All right So the biggest thing I can tell when I do my reup runs is that I like to run the cargo contracts. They are simple and fairly low-risk, so there's not much chance of you going down or dying.

You can collect good money from doing them. I like to start with one in Tier 1, and I'll get that first cargo contract complete so that I have a vehicle. Once I have a vehicle. I will then head into Tier 2 to again run the cargo contracts because in Tier 2, you're getting 3, 000 points per cargo contract, and the method I use when I'm doing my reup runs is always to go with the guaranteed route to get my large backpack, my three-plate vest, and my durable gas mask.

boss fight

Now, as far as score streaks go, I'm not really too concerned about score streaks. If I need one for a specific mission, a certain contract, or whatever, then I will obtain a score streak at that time either from a buy station or from looting, so my main concerns when re-upping are, of course, getting the self-revive.

Get the large backpack, get the three-plate vest, and get the durable gas mask. Now those are the three things that I'm after when I get started, and ooh, we found a nice Casmir in there. Those are definitely helpful, especially when you're starting out with nothing and you're trying to clear them out.

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All right, so we're just here and we're going to complete our first cargo contract of our match here, and this is going to give us a self-revive out of this a couple perks, the napom burst schematic, which I already have, so as I always do. I pick it up, and then I just drop it on the ground for somebody else who may not have it so they can pick it up.

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So now that we finished our first cargo contract, we do have a vehicle, so with our vehicle, we're going to go off and look on the tack map, and we're going to try and find us a tier two cargo contract. It doesn't matter the distance, so if you're worried because your Tier 2 cargo contract is way away, don't stress again.

This is a nonstressful, super easy way to guarantee in one run that you can reup with your three plates, your large backpack, and your durable gas mask, so again, don't stress if things are far apart. We're going off into the tier 2 area to do these tier 2 cargo contracts because you get 3, 000 points for a cargo contract, so with our tier one we finished already, and this second one we are about to do will be at 5, 000 halfway to our large backpack, so again, we'll catch up to you guys as we complete our second contract.

All right So we are here at our second contract. We're going to go ahead and pick it up, and this one's in Tier, and it's going to have zombies. However, look what I found: another Casmir, which is super helpful for us, so we're going to pick that up. We're going to grab this contract and make our way over.

dark aether schematics

We're going to check the hidden cache that is near this gas station here in Tier too. If you guys don't know, hidden caches can potentially have some amazing loot, so I always check this one when I'm in this location. It's right here, and we got some cash and a Sentry or a turret circuit board, which isn't the greatest thing, but so now we're going to just drop our decoy.

We're going to go ahead and open up our containers here. We're going to grab our vehicle and just head out right away. It's that simple. Just jump in and go. You don't even have to worry about the mercs. So now you're going to grab your cargo contract again, just keep running these, and you'll increase your point totals, and we'll continue on here, and I'll bring the article back when we are ready to go ahead and purchase some more of our gear because we've run a whole bunch of cargo contracts and have a ton of money, so we'll catch you guys at that point in the article, all right, so you can see here.

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In my cash on hand, we have over $10,000, so we're going to run off to the Tier 2 buy station, and the first thing we're grabbing is our three-plate armor vest, which we purchased and secured. Now we have our three-plate armor vest, and we're just going to continue running those cargo contracts. Until we have enough money to head off to Tier 3 to purchase our large backpack, which you can get from a Tier 3 bus station, and our durable gas mask, which we can purchase at a Tier 3 bus station, we'll meet you guys over in Tier 3 all right, so we got all of our cash and we're ready to go grab.

With our large backpack and our durable gas mask, we're going to zip line over to Tier 3. Here, put our weapon away and run with our fists out as Tier 3. Everything moves a lot faster, so just be wary of that. When you're going to Tier 3, keep your fist out and just haul ass. Just keep moving as much as you possibly can and as fast as you possibly can.

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Now again, this is a reup run, so I thought I would check the loot here in Tier 3, as there's a higher chance of getting some good stuff out of the loot, so I checked these two bags. Unfortunately, there really wasn't much worthwhile in there, so we got our buy station marked, and we're just going to make our way over to the buy station to get our large backpack and durable gas mask, and then we will be fully Reed now, as I was doing the cargo runs.

And as I collect my cash to come in here and buy these, you'll notice I have obtained a precision strike score streak, so that was in one of the loots or one of the reward rifts. I got so over to the bus station that, as you can see there. I picked up my large backpack and my durable gas mask, and we are now fully kitted and reup in one run, and it's not really been that stressful.


I've literally just driven around the map doing cargo contracts until I have enough points, and so now we're just going to head off to our xville, and then we'll show you guys the xville, and back to the main menu, fully reup. All right, so here we are. We made it to our xville, got a lucky nuke to help us out, picked up a monkey bomb as I was heading out, jumped in, and now we are fully up and ready to head out again in one match.

Grab a jug and don't go down. In this video I show you the best methods to re-up stress free in 1 run after the latest updates inside of your modern warfare III game. Let me know what level you currently are in the comments.
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