News - New Top 5 Fastest Killing Guns After Season 4 Update Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

modern warfare 2 best class

Range as well as long ranges, and now for the muzzle, we are going to rock that SA leveler 55 to completely smooth out the recoil pattern and remove vertical as well as horizontal recoil, and for the tuning, we are going to be bumping up The Recoil control some more at plus point 26 and aiming downside speed at negative 159, and we have the F-Tech Ripper 56 here, so it's going to be a better underbarrow.

Than the Commando 4 grip on this weapon for that aim out of stability hit by accuracy and more recoil stabilization for, the tuning we are going to increase in walking speed and negative Point 34 and more stabilization at plus 157. This is a great attachment tune combo, and once you go ahead and jump into the firing range, you're going to see why because we are able to get two-shot kills and have an accurate weapon at longer ranges.

For the secondary, we are going to be utilizing the F-Tech siege submachine gun version and we have on the stun grenade proximity mine, and for the perks, double-time scavenger resupply. Quick Fix and, for the field of upgrades. Pro Mission Box and Dead Silence are overall great setups you have to go ahead and give a try, and these are going to be the top five fastest killing guns and best classes to use in Modern Warfare 2 season 4.

modern warfare 2 best class setup

If there are two sets you want to check out, definitely go ahead and get the Tempest Razorback, a brand new assault rifle. It is amazing, and if you're in dire need of an MGB nuke, they also have hemlock. I'm going to catch you in the next one, deuces.

Modern Warfare 2 - MW2 Best Class Setups Season 4 Best Class Setups MW2! These Best Class MW2 have NO RECOIL and INSANE DAMAGE in Modern Warfare 2! Hope you enjoy these Modern Warfare 2 Best Guns Modern Warfare 2 Best Class Setups and have a wonderful Season 4 MW2 and rest of your day.
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