News - New" Top 5 Best Class Setups After Season 2 Update. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

best class mw2

So hopping into our first weapon, guys, we have the attack 56, a very good weapon and the best assault rifle here in Modern Warfare 2 as of right now. We're going to hop into the classes and start with attach number one, go to the stock, and add on the TV. Cardinal Stock: Let's go up with a walkie-talkie movement speed and sprint speed, so this attachment is going to help us move faster when aiming down sights and run fast around the map.

This is a very good attachment now. For attachment number two, guys, we're going to the rear grip and adding on the demo clean shot grip. That's going to sprint the fire speed and aim downside speed now. If you can't control your shots as well and want to be more accurate, you can add on the combat grip for recoil control if you want, but personally.

I think the clean shot grip is going to help you get more kills because you're being more aggressive and your handling is improving, so this is a very helpful attachment. Next, guys, we're going to the magazine and adding to the 40-round magazine. For the under barrel, you want to add on the F-Tech Ripper 56.

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This can help with aiming. Auto-stability, hip bar accuracy, and recoil stabilization are very good attachments here. Your weapons could be so much easier to control; it does have good hip fire already, so it's just going to be so much better, and you're also getting some more aiming idle stability, so it's very helpful here.

best class setup

And then for our final attachment, guys, we're going to the barrel here and we're going to be adding on the 17.5 Tundra. Pro Barrel can help with damage range, hip-far accuracy, and bull velocity, so our bullets are doing more damage at a longer distance, we're getting more range to our weapon, hip-far accuracy is up more as well, and then we get that bull velocity, so it's going to help our bullets shoot faster and get to our targets faster, so now it's time to tune our attachments here.

I'll go through the tunes pretty quickly because I don't want the article to be too long. We're going to start with the Cardinal stock, and we're going to put our aimlucky movement speed at 0.62. Just try to get it as close to 0.65 as you can if you're on a controller or mouse. It's going to be easier, so if you do have a mouse, plug it into your console, or if you're on PC, you shouldn't have any problems, but just try to get it as close to 0.65 as possible.

best class setup mw2

Sometimes when you exit out of it, it does change, so this just helps the aim-luck movement speed. be a little bit faster, which is helpful in those gunfights, and also the aim down side speed. Our handling is going up, so it's just going to make us more aggressive in those gunfights. Next, we have the demo clean shot grip.

We're not going to change the sprint to fire speed because, if you look, it's not changing anything on the sprint to fire speed, so really it doesn't matter. So you can't add some aiming item stability if you want some accuracy, but honestly. I don't even change anything on the bottom bar; I just change the left bar and put recoil steadiness back at 0.65 again.

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If you don't have a mouse or anything, just try to get as close to 0.65 as you can; this can help your weapon be more steady. Next, we have the F-Tech Ripper 56. Max out your aimwaki movement speed, so it's going to be really fast now, and also the recoil stabilization needs to be at points 36.35.

best class setups

just somewhere in that area if the weapon's just going to be easier to control. You're going to the barrel; don't change anything on the bottom bar unless you want a little bit more damage. I wouldn't go too crazy, maybe like 0.10, so your bullets are stronger getting those three- to four-bullet kills at any range, and then for the recoil standing, let's put it at Point 40, so our weapon is super steady now and it's time to up into our second weapon.

On it now, we're going to start with attaching number one here and go to the stock, and we're going to be adding on the demo-proficient stock that's going to help with aimwaki movement speed and sprint speed. Our mobility is going up and running faster around the map, and we're aiming to remove it a lot faster here and next.

best class setups mw2

For Touch Number 2, add on the x10 grip. This can help us print the fire speed and aim downside speed. You're more aggressive, giving a lot more kills, and have a more aggressive "run and gun" type of play style. helpful attachment is here now. For attachment number three, you can add on a magazine, and the 15-round magazine is a pretty good one here now.

Now for the underbellied add-on to the F-TAC Ripper 56, a very good underbarrel, it's going to help with aiming idle stability, hip-far accuracy, and recoil stabilization. The weapon's easier to control if you're going to spam fire the weapon. It's only fully automatic, so the hip fire accuracy is up, so if you are going to hit fire, make sure you are going to be hip firing in fully automatic, and we also have more aiming options.

auto-stability, and then, for a final attachment, you're going to the muzzle and going all the way over until you see the sack and tread 40. It's a very, very good attachment. It's going to help with vertical and horizontal recoil control, so if you're having any problems controlling this weapon, having this attachment on is a must and is going to help you out a lot now.

best setups mw2

For the tunes guys, we're going to the stock and we're going to put our aim walking movement speed at 2.40, Max, and now and also our aim down size speed. This is going to help our aim walking movement speed be really fast here, and also for the aim down side speed, like I said in the TAC 56, it's just going to help us be more aggressive; our handling is going up, which is really good now.

For the x10 grip, you're going to max out that sprint to fire speed once again here, so our sprint makes the fire speed very, very fast and be more aggressive, and then for the recoil steadiness, we're going to almost max that out at 0.61, so when firing your weapon either in single shot or in fully automatic, it's just going to be more steady, which is really good for those longer range gunfights.

best weapons mw2

For the F-Tech Ripper 56, max out the aimwaki movement speed once again; this is going to help you move faster when aiming down sights, and also, the recoil stabilization is up, so the weapon is just going to be super easy to control; you should not have any problems. And then, going into our final attachment, guys, we have the second tread 40; put the gunky control at Point 25, and then for the recoil stabilization, put it at 0.59.60.

In that area, it's just gonna weapon that's not going to have as much kick since this is the main single-shot weapon, so it's not going to kick as much as a single shot, and, also, for the recoil stabilization, it's just going to be so much easier to control, so have these down now for our next weapon.

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