News - New" Solo Warzone 2 Zombies Money Duplication Glitch After Patch. Unlimited Money Glitch Warzone 2 Season 2

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The church area, the cemetery area, if you want to call it that way, but as you can see right now on us, we have $4800. And I'm going to go ahead and drop all of this before we get to our Tombstone to show you guys that you guys can duplicate your money Solo or there's going to be another method in this article to do it with a friend, so if you guys are looking for somebody to play with or somebody to help set up Tombstone, maybe play some games, do Red Worm or anything like that, make sure you guys do check out my Discord.

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And then I'm going to go ahead and take all the rest of the money that I had, quote unquote, so I'm at $554, 000. The reason why I'm doing this is obviously that it's not a whole lot I'm gaining into my Tombstone, but just for the sake of the article. I went with a small route, doing a couple missions solo.

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And all I'm going to do is go ahead and destroy my Tombstone and you can see I have a couple large bags in here it doesn't matter what you have in your large bag obviously if you want to duplicate your items you won't be able to bring sres, rug sacks random materials and stuff into the game back to the loading screen but just for the sake of this article I want to show you guys the money glitch and how to keep duplicating your money over and over and keeping it for every new game you guys play, so if you guys want to go ahead and duplicate your items and your money, this is going to be the best way to do it so I'm going to go ahead and take my way over to the spot to duplicate and it's going to be bad signal so once we get over here guys we will show you what to do.

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All right, so we are making our way over to Bad Signal, and we're going to show you guys how to do this completely solo, so if you guys are doing this solo, obviously I have my money up to $554. I'm going to go ahead and throw a decoy grenade. I'm going to go ahead and enter the anomaly. Then, as soon as I'm done, I'm going to go ahead and go into the water.

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Once I am in the water, you're going to see the timer going down, but we don't care about that. We want to pay attention to the Breather screen to the left. The second that this hits red, we're going to go ahead and switch over to the mini map, and we're going to accept. So boom vote Yes timer is started we're going to go ahead and drop our sres because we don't need to have this, but from here we should die the same exact time as that title goes through so we got the eliminated screen and we're teleporting so now all we want to do is close out that game if you guys are on Console close out on the portal screen if you guys are on PC, looks like you guys are going to want to close out on the blackish screen so once you get into the black screen it's going to be a good time to close out on PC, but on Console you're going to see that we're loading back up and not only are we duplicating our items for the duplication glitch we're going to show you guys that we are actually adding money into our Tombstone every single time no we are not using anything out of our Tombstone we're gaining this all with duplicated items that we've used, but this is a great way for all you solo players out there that don't want to try and do money glitches and all that with other people.

That you guys can do this perfectly solo without having any issues at all, so obviously you can see I'm duplicating scorcher cannons duplicating legendary ather tools on my glitching account that I do try new glitches out, so we're going to go ah and unequip all of these. I will lose all of my weapons, so try to use something in game if you can, but just like that, we're going to go ahead and load back into a new game.

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We'll go ahead and put on the X12. Just so you guys do know that this is going to be the gun we have with our new refreshed money and it's not fake at all, we're going to go and throw a decoy Grenade on a knife for our field upgrade, you know the basic stuff. Then from here we're going to go ahead and load back in, and you guys can see that I still have my gear, as in my medium, armor plate, and gas mask, so we will still keep those.

We're going to go and load them into another game and show you that my money is actually going up instead of going down. All right guys, now we are into a new game, so I'm going to go and show you guys that we have 554,000 in our stash. Just like that, we duplicated our money, and we're going to duplicate our items once again so we can rinse and repeat this over and over again.

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We can keep playing the game out, get some money, and keep stacking it up. Obviously, we wouldn't want to use our money, for instance, but for the sake of the article, we're just going to go ahead and go through another bad signal portal and duplicate our items again, which is going to still keep our items.

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Unfortunately i did have to buy Tombstone once again so that I could keep duplicating my items, so I did lose $2, 000. When doing this, it is better if you guys do have some tombstones to keep in your stash to keep doing this glitch over and over again so you are not wasting $2, 000. Every single time, but other than that.

I mean, all we're going to do is go ahead and rinse and repeat once again we're going to keep our money amount and if we wanted to go ahead and play the game out keep adding money or adding items into our duplication we can do that perfectly, easy in the solo mode so I'm going to go and show you guys us doing bad signal loading back in and then we're going to go ahead and talk about a super easy mode to do it's going to be the duo strap or somebody playing with a friend in order to go ahead and duplicate your money which takes a little bit longer but is a lot faster.

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But this is going to be the solo method for you guys, so once again, start the anomaly, go into the water, go all the way down, and start holding your breath. That way, you get to the red screen, where we can go ahead and duplicate our items and go down at the same time, so the timer's going down, waiting a couple of seconds to go ahead and get ready to pull out our mini.

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