News - New" Solo Tombstone Duplication Glitch Season 2 After Patch Warzone 2 Zombies

So now you can see here we have all the items that we have the tombstone set and we got to keep our ether blade this time so we didn't even lose that you'll keep your rucksack your kill streak everything else will remain so now you've duplicated your items just like you drown, except you get to keep your ether blade Let me also prove to you that the Tombstone did in fact stay, and then we'll talk about the pros and cons.

modern warfare zombies glitch

My freaking, we got the tombstone. We have the freaking tombstone, so as we head over to confirm not only do we have the tombstone but that they are the exact same items that we originally left, let me talk about the pros and cons. The big elephant in the room that is a very clear con is that this is more of a speed-runner, high-skill glitch than it is a typical one.

Just do these steps, and you'll be fine. That being said, it does work on the flip side of that. You are able to keep your insured weapon, your ether blade, and more, meaning you could use this solo to duplicate your items and come back in with those same items. Use all of them to play a 45-minute round, and when you're done, instead of X filling, reset that tombstone using the scorcher, method, exact, and items.

Also read:

We've done it. Tombstone Glitch is back on the menu, boys. This allows a complete solo method even after the drowning Tombstone patch, but we have to talk about another patch, and that is the infinite stash glitch patch. There's still really no great way to get an infinite stash right now. There are some methods that are here in there, but I've tested them, and all of my Discord has been testing them; they're really inconsistent.


And even when they work, you can only do one item at a time, and you can only do it for so long until it stops working. The big crack that is still left is the infinite stash glitch. Once we recrass the infinite stash glitch, this method will allow you to get back up to 200 itms 230 items, whatever the actual limit is.

The last thing I wanted to mention is the nature of the difficulty of this glitch. Most people are probably not going to use this tombstone. I'm going to have a article coming out tomorrow that will show you the most effective and consistent way to do the Tombstone glitch for season 2 currently before reloading after all the drowning patches.

I'll have that out and show you how to actually use it practically. But the fact that it is cracked is amazing.

NEW SOLO Tombstone Duplication Glitch SEASON 2 AFTER PATCH MW3 Zombies.
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