News - New" Solo Broken Tombstone Glitch After Patch. Warzone 2 Zombie Glitch (full Walk-through)

mw3 camo glitch

So what I'm going to do is go ahead and just use some of these items really quickly. Kill some of these zombies really quick. We got a lot of zombies following us, holy cow. We'll throw a decoy grenade just to make it go a little bit faster. Go ahead and leave me alone. All right that should save us a couple of seconds so we'll go ahead and use use, looks like we can't use that one let's go ahead and try again use that one and then we'll just go and drop and get rid of that or we can actually use it and refresh our Tombstone with it so you can see we just used all of our items that we actually duplicated, from the last match in order to set up our Tombstone, now from here we can go ahead and open our Tombstone and claim everything out of it so we made sure our Tombstone crumbled and now we have all of these items that we will have for every single game and our Tombstone that we are able to use so from here all we need to do is go ahead and purchase another Tombstone can refresh this, so we're going to go ahead and buy one really quick over here, or if you have any duplicate tombstones from a game that you've had in the past, you guys can do that as well, so we will be buying tombstones and being right back.

So we just got done purchasing our tombstone. Now we can go ahead and sit and play out the game, whether we want to go ahead and beat Doabe or if we want to go ahead and go into Tier 3 and Tier 2 and complete contracts. Play with other people, drop items, and all of that good stuff we are good to do because we have used the first set of items that we had originally.

mw3 glitches

And we bought Tombstone for the next set now unfortunately, if you guys were to use any of these items on you after you have purchased Tombstone you will lose them so that's the point of duplicating them and having them for next game so that way you can use items as well as having them over and over again to duplicate, if that makes sense what I mean by that is if our first time going in we don't bring any weapons we can go ahead and set up Tombstone or duplicate our existing Tombstone to go into next game to be able to use all of these items, now once we purchase Tombstone crumble our Tombstone and put all of the new items on we will not be able to use any of these items at all because we will lose them indefinitely.

With that being said, what we're going to do is go ahead and go to Bad Signal and show you that we have all of these items once again. So we just made it to the anomaly. All we're going to do is hit X to go ahead and activate it, and then go straight into the water. Now we are going to lose our guns that we originally had, but we will not lose our gas mask, and if we had a bigger rucksack or armor plates, whatever we have in our bag and whatever our money situation is, we will keep it.

mw3 money glitch

Now, once you get done playing, you guys are able to cast your vote. Yes, go ahead and start the countdown. As you can see, we have a timer going down, and we're going to keep all of these items in our rug hack. The timer is going down, and we are about to teleport and die at the same time we got the eliminated screen, and now we got that portal screen, so if you guys are on Xbox, meaning the console Playstation or Xbox, you guys need to close out on that purple animation screen.

If you guys are on PC, the black screen right after the purple screen is going to be where you guys need to close out the game that is going to allow you to keep your items. Keep your tombstone, keep your essence, and all of that good stuff while playing solo. If you guys do have an ether blade on you, you guys can always throw that into your ruac before you do this, so that way you're not losing your ether blade.

mw3 tombstone glitch pc

Every single time we load back into the game, you're going to see that we have all of our items once again. Let's go ahead and talk about the stash glitch and what to do with the stash. So loading back in, we can check out our gear, and we now have four items with us. Yes, we did lose our load, but we kept ourselves.

We kept our gas mask, but we lost our tacticals, our lethals, our field upgrade, and our weapons. Like I said, you guys will lose them if you guys want to take advantage of it without using a whole bunch of contraband or using your insurance slots. I recommend doing wall buys or buying off of mystery boxes.

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Now, with the stash glitch, I want to say that it is working to some extent. If you guys originally played the game, you do know that the maximum you can have in your stash is 10. Starting with the new midseason of the season 2 patch, you are technically starting fresh, so whatever you have over the stash limit is completely useless now that you have a fresh set of 10 on you.

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That being said, if you were to go into any game, you are able to unequip all of these, but once you hit the limit of 10, you are screwed. I recommend not putting anything over 10 in your stash or any items in general, as you can use these over and over again to go into each game and have fun. be able to do a whole bunch of things and still keep a tombstone, or refresh your tombstone with even new items from doing the bad signal glitch completely solo.

But if you guys want to put stuff into your stash, go for it, but keep in mind that once you hit that stash limit of 10, you guys are going to be at risk of losing stuff or not being able to put anything in later on that you wish. I'll try to help you guys as best I can.

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