News - New" Most Broken Weapon Xp Method Warzone 2 Season 1. Level Up Guns Fast Warzone 2 Season 1

fast weapon xp mw3

What you want to do is basically say, You know, go to Dr. Jansen's coordinates and then basically kind of bring her in for questioning so basically what you need to do is spawn into a different area of the map and basically do a bunch of objectives, with this person Dr Jensen, so what you want to do is load up the mission spawn into moner zombies and wait for a short while a couple of minutes after you've spawned in you'll have a special xville, icon show up on the map it's like xville with a little star symbol and that will be where you need to go for this special mission go to that area board the helicopter and it'll bring you to Dr jansson's locations it basically then almost looks like it's reloading, monofer zombies again it will spawn you into a small area of olive base but it'll be separate from the main monare zombies map and what you want to do is pick up deadbolt turret ammo mod circuit boards there'll be quite a few around that little area of the map I'll show you where some of them are there is one on the roof where you spawn in when you drop off the helicopter, there's a few near where Dr Jansen is so one across from her office one upstairs.

When you escort her to the rooftop, there's quite a few around the map. I found about six or seven, but you can probably find more while you're finding those ammo circuit boards. You want to kind of head to the office with Dr. Jansen, and you need to escort her up to the helipad. But you have to go to an upload station before that, so what I'd recommend doing is just walking around the edge of the military base, as that skips part of the miss, and then go to her office; she'll be there.

fastest way to level up guns in modern warfare 3

You'll then need to squat her up to the rooftop to the helipad; you don't have to follow with her; you can go a different way, and once you go up there, load your Ammo mod circuit boards that you found into the deadbolt turret, and it'll basically be that it's really fast, it's really powerful, and it can kill zombies pretty much instantly, so it's really fantastic.

And all of this XP from that turret counts towards your weapon. So each circuit board you find gives you 2 minutes of use of the Dead Bol turret, so if you get six circuit boards, that's 12 minutes. If you get, you know, more like eight circuit boards, that's closer to 16 minutes of free weapon XP.

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You can easily find sort of six to eight circuit boards, so definitely worth doing as, like I said, you can literally just stand there and the turret will constantly get you zombie kills and it will keep leveling up your weapon really, like one level a minute, and you can do that for quite a while, which is great now that you can either stand on one of the podiums, near the deadbolt, or turret.

fastest weapon xp mw3

Although zombies can throw meat at you, you can go prone. And technically, you could probably go AFK for a little while if you wanted to, but it's probably not worth it, and what I actually found is better: just kind of running around that helip pad because that will cause more zombies to be attracted to you; they'll all jump up onto the helipad, and the deadbolt turret will just keep going round and round and around, shooting more and more zombies, so basically, head up there, put the circuit boards into the deadbolt turret, and then just run around the helipad.

level up guns fast in modern warfare 3

For however long you want, you don't have to run but just sort of slowly move around to attract the zombies, and they'll keep getting killed. Don't board the helicopter until you're ready to leave the match, and then once you're happy and the dead botturrets run out and you're happy with the kills and XP you got, you can obviously just leave the match, so that is quite a good thing to do as well. You can always do that kind of thing towards the end of a match if you want to, but there's a little bit of setup involved, so it takes a little bit of time, but it is definitely worth doing if you guys are interested.

Best warzone modes for wxp

Best warzone modes for wxp

That's it for zombies and multiplayer. What about for war zone for war zone I have a feeling things are going to change, but at the moment in season 1, here are my suggestions.

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So first of all, for Battle Royale, you can obviously collect weapons from Flor loot or buy a loadout. I definitely say the best method for getting weapon XP involves doing contracts, so you can do these in plunder, in Battle Royale, or in other modes. It doesn't really matter, although I'd say plunder is easier because you got your custom loadout infinite respawns that kind of thing.

Warzone fast weapon xp method season 1

level up guns fast in mw3

There's a few different contracts you can go for. The first one is a scavenger. I believe the scavenger is coming back to the war zone. Obviously, we had these before in War Zone 1, and they're coming back again, so you start the contract by opening three supply boxes, and you want to quickly go between them with a vehicle if you can; that will get you XP, and that will count towards your weapon, which is fantastic.

level up guns fast mw3

The next contract is with Intel. Again, these are fantastic and really simple. Just start a contract, head to a computer terminal, upload the Intel, and then boom, easy XP. Fantastic again that's probably the second-best contract. We've also got big-game bounty contracts. You pick it up head to one of the better players on the map and attempt to take them down I'd recommend being socked up on ammo armor picked up a UAV, something like that to help find the enemy just make sure you get up and then go to them it shouldn't be tooo difficult try and take them down and you should get a lot of XP if you die it doesn't matter and the other thing is with bounties and big game bounties is that they can actually be poached by other people so it doesn't have to be you taking them down if they happen to die from someone else or from another method you still get some XP, not as much but some it's definitely worth putting one on if you want to now I would say unless things change the best contract in war zone is still probably the most Wanted contract these are great you survive for about 3 to 4 minutes but you get 5, 000 weapon XP or 10, 000 with a double weapon XP token and you can reduce the time you have to survive with a few sneaky tricks so I'd recommend playing with teammates if you can and if you all your teammates, open loot boxes.

It will decrease the timer by at least 10 seconds at a time, but not just loot boxes. I didn't realize this before, but it's also other items as well, such as medicine kits or medicine cupboards. I believe there are also other kinds of loot containers. Anything you can kind of loot to open it will reduce the timer by 10 seconds, so every time you see a medkit, a loot box, or any other kind of container, open it.

NEW MOST BROKEN WEAPON XP METHOD In Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 Level Up Guns Fast MW3 Season 1.
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