News - New Meta Striker Loadout Warzone 2. Best Striker Class Setup - Warzone 2

best striker class

I'm giving you the best class for the striker in Modern Warfare 3. This SMG already, with no attachments, is one of the best SMGs, in my opinion, but with the attachments I'm going to be giving you, this class is insane. So to start off with attachment number one, we are going to be heading over to the stock and we're going to be adding no ston as this helps massively with the aim down sight speed, sprint to fire speed, and aim walking speed.

It gives us a bonus of 14.4% on the ads, and it gives us a 7.2% on the movement speed. Heading over to attachment number two, we're going to be doing the rear grip, and this is going to be the sack ZX grip, as this helps massively with that gun kick control, recoil control, and fire aim stability.

It increases our horizontal and vertical recoil by 8% and our gun kit control by. 10% moving over to the magazine, as the striker only has 30 rounds in its base magazine, we are going to be adding the 48-round mag. You can sort this out for the 60-round mag, but this decreases our aim downside speed and movement speed by quite a bit, so for this build, we're going to be sticking to the 48-round.

best striker class modern warfare 3

If we take these three attachments over to the fire range, you will notice this class already has no recoil; there's only a slight bit of kick at long range, which we're going to eliminate with attachment number two. So for the underbarrel, we are going to be adding the FTAC MSP 98 hand stom, as this eliminates that vertical recoil and the rest of that gun kit control and also gives us a boost of movement speed and walking speed.

So for the final attachment, I am going to be heading over to the muzzle, and I will be adding the shadow strike suppressors. You can swap this out for the monolithic suppressor, but unfortunately, the monolithic does decrease our aim downside speed and aim walking speed, so for this build. I will be using the shadow strokes, heading over to the rest of my class for my vest.

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I am running the inventory vest, as this helps massively with the tax sprint duration and the refresh time. For my secondary, I am running the core 45, and for the attachments on the core 45, for the muzzle, I am running the first muzzle that helps with the bullet velocity and keeps us off the radar.

best striker class mw3

For the underbarrel, I am using the same as the striker, and that is the FTAC WSP 98 hand stop, as that helps with the movement speed, spe gun kit control, and vertical recoil control. And for the magazine, I am running the 30-round mag, and for this pistol, I am running the conversion kit that increases the fire rate and gives us that burst-like effect.

And for the last attachment, the rear grip, I am running the granular grip. And when it comes to my tactical and lethal, I am running the stim shot and seex. And for my field upgrade. I am running the Munitions box, and when it comes to my perks. I am running scavenger gloves just in case I'm not able to get to my Munitions box or I'm not able to call it in.

For my boots, I am running lightweight boots so I can have faster movement speed, and for my gear, I am running EOD padding. I hope you guys do enjoy the bang gameplay you're about to see. I end up dropping two backtack messages, and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already.

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