News - New Easy Solo Duplication Glitch All Platforms. Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone Duplication Glitch

duplication glitch

This is the new updated solo Tombstone duplication glitch that is even better than before. I saw a lot of comments on people struggling with the timing, so this new version of the glitch requires no actual timing for you to quit your game. This means that everyone watching this article will be able to do it, and this works the same for all platforms.

I guarantee that after watching this article, you'll be able to duplicate all of your items and keep everything on your character, including your weapon, both grenades, field upgrades, and all of your character's gear, but most importantly, your Tombstone. This is an updated version of my article from yesterday, so most of the steps are the same, but with the new addition to this glitch, it works way better.

It worked every single time last night on my stream, silent 9 underground glitchers, and I was able to find the best version of this glitch, so you don't have to worry about losing anything. Shout out to them for their help with this glitch now. I liked the article. Subscribe if you aren't already, and let me show you this master class.


First, as you can see, I already have a tombstone on my map because I was duplicating my items on Stream. So if you have one cool one, if not, that's totally fine. All you need to do is equip the tombstone perk, and I'm using this C can because it's already duplicated and saved in my tombstone. I recommend you put a tombstone perk can in your inventory that you can put in your new tombstone to save you a lot of time when duplicating.

Game after game after game, you can also equip the stamina perk, but that is not required for this, and you just need to make sure that you load into the game with all the items that you want to save in your tombstone for your next game. If you have a tombstone on your map, then you're going to take everything out of it so that it crumbles.

Also read:

Now that your inventory is full of all the items that you want to duplicate and you have the tombstone perk equipped, you will also need at least 1, 000 points to do the tombstone glitch. This is so that we can pay for the portal to teleport, but this Tombstone glitch will save all of your money while doing this, so you're going to be completely fine, and I'll explain more about unlimited money at the end of the article.


Speaking of paying for the portal, you're going to make your way over to the building near the bad signal portal, and you can get the MW3 cam, hard unlocked bot lobby schematics, the nuke skin, or even instant delivery on pre-made accounts at MIT {576}. They're 100% legit, with over 10,000 verified reviews on Trustpilot, so be sure to use code Gray for 5% off.

When you get to this building, you need to go inside and activate this portal. Just follow my path to get here. Before you activate the portal. I'm going to show you exactly what we're going to do first so that I can give you the best, most detailed guide because timing does matter, but trust me, this is extremely easy to do so this is the code that you are going to enter into the portal so pause the article and screenshot, it so that you can use this code to teleport to this location while you're at it make sure you leave a like on the article when we teleport you're going to then follow along.


This cliff and right here on this Edge rock, you can see that this is the outof bounds barrier. This next piece of information is very important. You need to be at this part of the map when the teleport timer is at 7 or 6 seconds left. This will make sense in just a moment when I show you me doing it, but again, this is 100%.


Guaranteed method will only work if you go out of bounds when the timer is at 7 6 or 5 Seconds, now at the portal you're going to enter the code that I had you screenshot, and now you're going to drop your second weapon so that you can run faster from here simply follow my path to the roof and run over to the bad signal portal and now we're going to go ahead and activate it as soon as you activate the portal you going to Sprint back into the building that we just came from and follow my path exactly, you need to do this very quickly but again the timing is fine and you don't need the stamina perk for this now you're going to Sprint into the portal and once you teleport you're going to run over to the spot that I showed you before you are going to then open up your map and vote Yes, to teleport when the timer on the left of your screen is at 2, now you are going to get into position at the rock I showed you before, and when this timer is showing a 6, 7, or 5, you can go out of bounds, and now you have hit the time timing perfectly.

Now you're simply going to wait on the outof bounds barrier and wait for the game to load again. This timing works on all platforms, so everyone watching this will be good to go as long as you went out of bounds with the seven, six, or five showing from the teleport timer. Now you're going to wait until the message in the top right corner of your screen switches from matches about to begin to traveling.


As soon as it switches to traveling, you are going to force close your game, however you would do on the platform you play, and the timing on this doesn't really matter because it counts down from 8, but you want to be pretty quick. You will then reload your game, and if you follow everything I just showed you exactly how I did it in the lobby, you will see that you have absolutely everything on your character, and you have now successfully duplicated all of your items, as you can see here.

I have literally everything on my character and again this is a 3-hour cool down weapon and I still have it now you're going to load into your next game and you will see that your Tombstone is spawned at the graveyard, all of the items that you're in your inventory are now duplicates so you can use all of them and play out your game completely normally however you need to make sure again that you drink the tombstone perk every single time that you do this and that is why I suggest that you put a tombstone can in your inventory to duplicate it now to do the glitch again towards the end of the game you will repeat the same process you're going to crumble your Tombstone and have at least 1, 000, points and have the tombstone perk equipped you're going to use the code from before to teleport to the portal at B7.

warzone 2

And then you're going to sprint over to the bad signal portal. You will then activate this portal and then run back into the building following the path that I'm showing you again, and you're going to make your way over to the teleport portal. As soon as you run into the portal, you're going to turn to the right after you teleport and run over to that rock that I showed you before.

This is the new best SOLO tobmstone duplication glitch after patch that works on all platforms.
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