News - New Duplication Glitch. Unlimited Monkeys / Dark Aether Knife Glitch. Glitch Schematic Warzone 2 Zombies

dupe glitch in mw3

New duplication glitch You'll be able to get unlimited ether knives and skip the cooldown and bring them to every game after all patches, and you guys can duplicate unlimited monkeys and unlimited, just anything lethal and tactical you can duplicate, unlimitedly. And this glitch is so easy now. Make sure you subscribe, because I'm pretty sure you can duplicate.

Like ether crystals and all that with this like I bet there's a way I just need to figure out a way to do it so when I do figure out a way I will update you guys with the article but first thing you want to do for this awesome glitch is get a buddy now you guys can do this solo and I will get into how later, but Co-op is just the best way to do it now once you guys are done getting a buddy you then want to load up into the game, and bring in Juggernaut don't understand how this works you guys are going to be like what but you need to bring in Juggernaut you can bring it by crafting or just going into the game and buying it only costs 2, 000 esss so it's really not that hard get just one contract and you got unlock schematics for a cheap price checkout silent services We also offer bot lobbies where you can get interstellar camo, hard camo unlock, and nuke skin services.

dupe glitch zombies

Here are the reviews; they absolutely love it. You want to make sure you have the ether knife on your character and the monkeys on your character as well. Whatever lethal and tactical you want to duplicate, have it on your character. Then you want to leave your squad and get down. You can get down in any way except by drowning and going to the warning barrier, but once you're down, you are going to plead for help.

Your buddy wants to stay near you. Then, after you plead for help for some apparent reason, when you have Juggernaut, you guys can open up your inventory while being down in the pleading state. I don't get how this is a thing, but it just works with the jug. I guess that's a special ability that you get with the jug, but after you do that, you want to simply go to your lethal tactical, where I have the Ether knife and two monkeys, and you want to simply drop the lethal and tactical, then you want to have your friend revive you.

mw3 glitches

At this point, once you're done getting revived, you will see that the Lethon tactical will reappear. In your inventory, you have successfully duplicated the monkeys, and if you guys can rinse and repeat this, do this unlimitedly. To get unlimited ether knives and monkeys, just if you want to do it again, all you do is buy a jug.

Get down, give up, please, for help, then open up your inventory. You're going to be able to do it with a jug for some reason. Drop your lethal tactical and you're done. When you get revived, you'll get him back, and it will be duplicated. You guys can do this like I said forever and get unlimited anything with your lethal and tactical.

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Now, once you're done duping the dark ether knife, you can give it to your friends. So if you have a full squad of six and they don't have the ether knife, what you can do is do this glitch. They can all have dark ether knives and monkeys, completely free, which isn't normally monkeys cost 2, 000.

mw3 zombie glitches

And the casmo thing, the black hole grenades—I think they cost $5, 000. But with this, you don't have to spend any money, which is great now. Once you're done giving the dark ether knives away, you then want to have your friends do this glitch and you yourself do this glitch to keep the dark ether knife for every game, so you don't have to wait on that 3-day cooldown for using the schematic.

All you need to do is make sure that you have Act for Mission activated, then use Act for Mission, then close your application at the blue-purple screen. If you guys are on PC, you want to close your application at the black screen that comes after the blue-purple screen, then when you go back into the game, it will have your dark ether knife in your class, and you guys can load into your next game with the dark ether knife and then dup it again if you want to give it to your buddies, and yeah, that's it, you know.

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Go into the game every time you want to go out. You use the Act for Portal to keep it, so that's it for this brand new way to duplicate items, and stay tuned for even more glitches. I'm going to have a glitch on how to get Pack-a-Punch here for Wonder Weapons and even more that should be out tomorrow or later today.

mw3 zombies

Don't forget to check out Silent Services. And may Allah bless you

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