News - New Dmz - Locked Door Glitch. After Patch" Dmz/warzone/warzone 2 Glitches

cod glitch

Stand right in front of the door, and you will need to mantle onto the vehicle just before it reaches you. If you have time to write, you will get pushed right through, so just unlock the door for your teammates. This place is filled with some pretty tough bots, so you'll want to go in with decent guns and armor.

Also, be sure to keep an eye out for booby traps and try to disarm them before your teammates run through them. The best spot on Almazra is the police academy. I already showed you this spot in an earlier article, but I had to include it again because the loot in this place is just too good. So at the front of the building, you'll want to stand in front of these windows and make sure to take out the boxes before you go inside.

Then, have your friend ram you with the car while you mantle onto it, and if done right, you'll be pushed right through. The next spot is located right here on the map, and this one can be done solo. You can get in using this building across the street, so make your way to the rooftop, and you may want to take out the bots first.

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Then stand up beside this billboard and parachute into the open window. There's not a ton of loot in here, but it's still pretty good for valuable items, and some pretty decent weapons can be found here as well.

Glitch spot 5

Glitch spot 5

also The next spot is also solo, and I've already covered it a couple of times, but it's still working after the latest patch. Stand right here on the corner, and you'll need to parachute into the window below. This can be tricky to do, and it may take you several attempts; it takes me about two or three attempts each time, but it may take you much more than that.

So stand right on the edge, jump backwards, pull your chute, and push forward, and if you have done it right, you will land right here. There may be some bots inside that will start shooting at you, so you may want to have some armor. You can head out the doorway, but you can also get out by jumping out right here.

This can be a bit tricky to do, and you might need to take a run at it, but just keep trying until you get it.

Glitch spot 6

Glitch spot 6

You can also wall breach into contracted houses as long as they have the proper windows. This can come in handy if you've made it this far in the article. Then, mantle onto the approaching vehicle, and if done right, you'll be pushed right through. You may get swarmed by bots, so make sure you go in prepared.

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Easy way to restock all your gear every time you die! In this video you will see all the best places you can glitch into to get amazing loot! Tons of cash, or weapons, or armor vests, or large backpacks! These spots have it all.
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