News - New "bryson 800" After Update Mw2. Best Bryson 800 Class Setup & Loadout -warzone 2

Bryson 800 class setup

Bryson 800 class setup

So that you're not missing any of my daily Call of Duty articles, we're going to be using the Bryson 800 again today here in Modern Warfare 2. I've said this in the past, but this is definitely my favorite shotgun. It feels like I get the most consistent performance. One-shot kills with this one, and honestly.

My class setup did change a tiny bit, though, so make sure you guys stay tuned for that. Let's get going here with a guard. We have the demo X50 tactical pump for re-chambering. Speed crash boom speed is named on site speed. Re-chambering is basically fire rain at the end of the day, so that's one of the changes I made, and I believe I was going with it.

best bryson 800 class

This is the demo Drop Zone pump, but I decided to change it over to the tactical pump there, and now we're heading over I'm sorry that's tuned to crash-move speed and sprint-fire speed. Now we're heading over to the stock list for Crystal Grip for aim-down sightseeing. Sprint 2 Fire speed movement, speed, hip recoil, and control—obviously, those are a bunch of positives while running a shotgun.

I am not going with a laser sight on this build. I felt like the accuracy and the tight pellet spread were good enough that I didn't need them. Now we're heading over to the barrel of the 29.5-inch rifle for damage range. The title pallets ran bullet velocity, where it's going to be tuned for recoil steadiness, and then some extra damage range for the muzzle.

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You want the Bryson improved choke for tighter pellets and damage range. Obviously, those are two good things when running a shotgun where it's going to be tuned to just the same tighter pellet spread and damage range, and another change here is that we are going with the TV Ridder grip, which gives us extra hip fire accuracy, because that's basically it.

The gist of this build was that I was hip-firing a lot other than those longer-range fights where I was aiming down the sights. The hip fire was very accurate on this one, and you can tune this to hit prequel control and hip fire accuracy, so we have four shotguns. Here in Modern Warfare 2, as of right now, where exactly would you rank the Bryson 800, one through four?

Let's get over to shipment, where we're going to be getting an MGP.

Bryson 800 gameplay

Bryson 800 gameplay

I hope you guys enjoy me. I'm basically using the Bryson 800/100 today because I need to work on my Platinum Mastery challenge for it, and it's the most toxic and best shotgun in my opinion here for shipment as long as you stick around the object. I've got to remember not to jump; when you jump, your hip-fire accuracy is off and the weapon spread is kind of bad.

I've got to keep reminding myself of that. We have no objective other than to cause some

NEW "Bryson 800" after update in MW2! Best Bryson 800 Class Setup Loadout -Modern Warfare 2. Timecodes.
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