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A new event has been added with a new free camo, so I'll show you how to quickly unlock it, plus all the other camo and XP. They are safe and reliable, and they have all sorts of different options for you to choose from. If you and a friend start up a plunder game at the exact same time, you may end up in the same lobby.

You can check the numbers in the bottom left of the screen to see if they match your friends. Once you do get into the same game, meet up at the same location with decoy grenades, throw the decoys at each other, and then start farming kills to unlock camos. You can buy munition boxes from certain buy stations to get more decoys, and repeat this over and over to level up fast.

You can take turns doing this game after game to get crazy. XP, this is also perfect for those harder to get camos, so make a list of the ones you want to unlock before you start grinding. You can also fill your backpack full of decoys and then throw them towards random players during XP, and the more players around the decoys, the more XP you get.


You can also get AFK weapon XP by having your friend damage you, and then they need to spend the rest of the game dying. You'll get 200 XP each time they fall to the ground, so make sure they have their parachute turned. Combine this with grinding contracts. If you're after insane weapon XP and rank XP, you can also turn squad fill-on and grind out contracts as a team to earn even faster XP.

In between each contract, spend the time looting to earn 100 XP for everything you open, which is also a nice way to level up. Possible multiplayer is great for Camos and XP. Throw your decoys for easy XP, and it's a good idea to run low-level score streaks so you get them more often, then go for kills and play.

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The objective of the XP you get will always be random, but you should get a decent amount if you use decoys the whole game and remember to complete it. Challenges The Outlast glitch in Zombies is one of the best ways to earn XP, unlock Camos, activate the P&, and then cancel the contract when it reaches XP.

gudpexi the gamer

You can also farm zombies near Xville, and you can check out the article in the description if you want to learn how to make all these zombies spawn at the same time. The Jack Lim Ripper can go onto assault rifles and battle rifles, which will let you unlock camos while AFK, do the Outlast glitch, and then find a corner to stand in.

All zombies will now walk right into the chainsaw, which will instantly kill them. Make sure you have the PhD Flopper perk, or you will take fire damage. Gold armor and an upgraded weapon will make this easier, and then find a way to pin down the trigger button to go AFK for the whole game.

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