News - New 2 Shot Ebr 14 Warzone 2. Best Ebr 14 Class Setup Warzone 2

best ebr 14 class

This thing literally two-shots kills to the head, so in today's article, we're going to break down the best DBR, 14-class setup with the tunes Let's get into it. So getting right into the first attachment, we do want to go ahead and throw on the 22-inch, Four Master barrel. All the attachments we're going to throw on this thing are to make the range as far as possible because it does have quite a big damage drop off from about 50 meters, so this barrel is going to help us with the recoil control and bullet velocity; sadly, none of the barrels do give damage range, but this barrel is still going to be quite good for attachments.

Number two, we do want to go ahead and throw in a muzzle, and we are going to be using the ZLR. Talon suppressor: This is easily the best suppressor in the game in my opinion because it does give a massive boost to bullet velocity, damage range, and recoil and smoothness. It is going to come at the cost of some aim-down sight speed, but honestly, this thing still ends quite fast, so we are not going to have to worry about that too much next.

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We are going to go ahead and throw in an under barrel, and we want to throw in the f-tac. The one downside to this weapon is that it is going to take sniper ammo instead of assault rifle ammo, so basically what you are going to want to do is, as soon as you spawn on the map, you are going to want to find as much sniper ammo as you possibly can and just stash it in your backpack, so that way, when we finally do get our EBR, we aren't going to have to worry about only having one full magazine.

best ebr 14 class mw2

Another good thing you can do is stash up on ammo and ammunition boxes because this thing does burn through ammo quite fast. And for the last attachment, guys, of course we want to go ahead and throw an A-optic, and we are going to be using the VLK 4.0. Normally, for our long-range weapons in this game, we would want to use the pv4 ammunition.

But the trick with this gun is we do want to try to hit as many headshots as possible, because when we do get headshots, it is a two-shot kill compared to a four-shot chest kill, so hitting people in the head is really going to pay off with this thing, and with the vlk, it is going to be much easier to see the head from a longer distance, so we do want to go ahead and join the vlk.

best ebr 14 class setup

Now that we have all the attachments on, we do want to jump straight into the tuning. For the optic, we're going to go ahead and max it out and aim down sight speed on the barrel; we want to go to recall steadiness; and damage range at the muzzle, we are going to match the AIM site speed and the bullet velocity; and lastly, for the F-TAC river, we are going to match the recoil stabilization and the aiming idle stability.

It really does help us out.

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