News - New "1 Shot" Lachmann 762 Class Is Breaking Warzone 2. Best Lachmann 762 Class Setup - Warzone 2

If you can hit your shots, I didn't even hit the head. All right, there we go. There's going to be a guy on this right here. There we are. I was looking at the wrong area. I kind of zoned out. All right, we'll chuck that right there. Get a little easy and kill this in. I'm going to try to get lucky and Chuck this Nate over and get a kill.

lachmann 762 class mw2

I need to switch to my pistol real quick. Yeah, I am running the X13. I wanted to kind of I wanted to switch it up using, you know, the f-tech Siege so much, but I have to say since the weapon did get above the f-tek Siege. I mean, it's just so much better than all these other pistols. I mean, people may argue the Damon, but all right, we just have to be careful.

We need to play for a nuke now. I got two bullets. I'm pretty confident I should win a gunfight. Here, yep, there, it is like that's over 20 meters. I got a kill right there—two shots. There we are. I think this is yes. Is he going to lay down? You have to watch out for people like that, man.

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All right, let's keep this going. Yeah, this x13 is really nice. All right, let's keep that they gotta OverWatch Hilo, and there is the Lockwood 300. I would have a build that would just take down streaks like that in like 10 seconds, but they don't get that anymore (62 kills). The game's nowhere close to being over, which is good.

lachmann 762 class setup

This is actually a pretty close, pretty tight game, all right. Good thing my veto can't kill me in here, but I can't be. I always have to be. I always have to be on my feet because it could happen. We'll Chuck that Nate over. That should be a kill. Maybe not all right we've got to be careful there's probably a there's probably a sniper just there.

We go one shot head-shot at that range, and we're all right. as long as this helicopter can go away. I would like that a lot, but I don't think it will. All right okay, the helicopter is going away now. All right, let's get on this helicopter. Get that, get that high ground, I think, and there we go, getting sniped again.

This might be a game where I don't drop a nuke, but we still have a while, so I'm not really I'm not too worried right now. Right here, that was an easy little triple kill, and I did walk past him. I better not have. Keep this up, though. We have to focus up here. We have to focus up here. We are all right there.

lachmann 762 modern warfare 2

We are there. We are easy. I doubt Okay, there is a here all right now; they're going to be on this side. I'm going to go ahead and just try to get lucky and Chuck a Nate over there that should be a kill that was a hit marker all right there. We go time to play a little aggressive here, all right.

Thank God I didn't let him get a shot off. We are all going to have to. Man, this is bad. This is actually really bad. I'm scared all right, let's go ahead. All right, we have an advanced UAV. We're going to go ahead and call this soon, and there it is. Man, I'm getting smoke from this game.

All right, let's keep this up. It's 195 to 137 now. I'm going to cook this nade, and that is insane. All right now, I'm going to cook the nade. Let's keep this up. Come on, all right, we just have to be careful. I might be able to spawn-trap these two guys for a little bit until I can get streaks.

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That's what I'm going to do here now: I'm going to flip this way, and they should, okay, well, they're still spawning here. I don't want to be at 96 kills. I might be able to clutch up a nuke here, but it's just all about clutching it up here. All right, we're going to call the UAV in first. You have to stop the hardpoint.

lachmann 762 mw2

All right there we are, 225, and we're at 105 kills right now. Okay, they're going to push for that. They're going to push. Okay, I don't think we're going to get it, so I'm just going to go ahead and take those kills real quick. We're on a relentless Okay, we just have a little bit, and we have to clutch it up.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, we got this, our brutal, there's our brutal, come on. We're not going to get it. That is so unfortunate, and I finally started going. At the end of the game, I started going off, but we dropped 114 kills. Honestly, that's not bad, but I wish I would have gotten at least one nuke unfortunate, but hey, still great gameplay, I'll take it.

Best lachmann 762 Class Setup Modern Warfare 2 Best lachmann 762 Class Modern Warfare 2 Best lachmann 762 Tunes Modern Warfare 2. Stay Connected.
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