News - Mw3 Season 1 Road Map Confirmed. All Leaked Mw3 And Warzone S1 Rewards

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All right, guys, so today we are going to be having a look at everything in Modern Warfare 3 in regards to season 1 and pre-season. Of course, season 1 is not due to launch until the 7th of December, and preseason obviously will end on the 6th of December, so we have got a little wait till that happens, and I know the game doesn't get launched until the 10th of November, but look, let's discuss all the rewards.

Let's discuss everything that we can discuss so far in regards to Modern Warfare 3 so you guys can get pumped up and be ready to play as soon as it drops, but if you guys are new around here and if you haven't already, make sure you drop a like, subscribe if you're new, and turn on post notifications.

The season 6 battle pass is going to extend all the way until December 6, so the day before the new season starts, we will actually go ahead and play the previous season. If you haven't completed the battle pass, you can then go ahead and complete it in Modern Warfare 3, where all the content is transferable.

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Like I said. I have created a full article on that, so you guys definitely want to check that out, but if you think the battle pass will be transferable to Modern Warfare 3, which is fantastic news and what we want, you can go ahead and finish that off and make sure you stack up your double XPS ready for Modern Warfare 3 because you want to rank up as quickly as you possibly can now.

all mw3 seasons leaked

During the beta, we had a very fun couple of weekends. There was actually a leak of seasons 1 to 6, and it didn't give too many details in exactly each particular season, but in regards to season 3, that's where most of the leaks were found, so Advanced Warfare will be season 3, so we're going to see a lot of Advanced Warfare content.

modern warfare 3 content road map

We're going to see four brand new maps, and we're going to see the EM1, the AM1, the MOs, and the B27. All return in the brand new game in Modern Warfare 3 and that will all happen in season 3 now in regards to Maps a lot of people probably would question, how are they going to be adaptable to the current game cuz obviously back then we did have the jetpacks we could boost around the map but actually if you went around the maps there was a lot of ladders in these Maps so you could actually climb up the ladders and get into different locations, on top of buildings inside buildings but obviously we didn't use them I'll probably notice them as much because we did have his jetpacks and that's all we needed to use but obviously, going forward it's as though they've already pre-planned ready for when they eventually re-release the maps when we go back to boots on ground which is what we've got so there's going to be a lot of content in regards to season 3 and advanced Warfare but does that mean we're going to get a lot of cod theme Seasons.

It is the 20th anniversary of Call of Duty, and this game was effectively going to be just an add-on and a big update to the current game. It wasn't supposed to get a full release this year, and things have changed, and it's ended up being a full release game, especially with it being the 20th anniversary, so I feel like we're going to get Call of Duty seasonal content, so we're going to see maybe Modern Warfare 1 2 3 the original ones, and then we'll probably see likees of Advanced Warfare COD Ghost Infinite Warfare kind of maps.

modern warfare 3 road map

I feel like we're going to get a lot of that. However, I don't see any Black Ops content throughout the game; potentially, towards the zombie side of things, we could see Black Ops content. However i can't see any in regards to multiplayer or War Zone, and that is for the simple fact that Trearcom is going to be releasing their brand new game next year and they're going to be doing something similar in regards to fetching, like Black Ops 1, 2, 3, and four maps.

Cold War maps, and all that good stuff in their game, so they're going to build a very good game as well as what Modern Warfare 3 is looking to be like, so that is my personal opinion on what I reckon would happen in regards to all the cob theme seasons. Now, of course, as of season 1, we will actually go ahead and get our brand new war zone map, and that's when war zone will get its big update so we can go ahead and play it, which is something we desperately need.

modern warfare 3 season 1

It looks a lot like the original war zone map, and it does look really, really good, and I can't wait to get my hands out of that. Obviously, the current maps have been absolutely shocking. War Zone 2 has not had a vibe at all. Obviously, it's still had a very high player base, but it's also lost a lot of player base as well, so reviving it and fetching it back to something similar or as close to what it was is something that we definitely need.

We've already seen in-game changes over the last couple of months in updates, where they've actually reverted some of the updates back to the styles of how it used to play, which is exactly what we wanted. We didn't want this all-open-space, horrible-looking map, and we wanted it to be a lot more fun.

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Of course, we've got the brand new movement system coming in, so that's going to make it a lot more fun to be able to slide, cancel, and reload. Just little things like that are going to make the game a lot more fun and enjoyable. Then, in regards to season one, guys, like I said, we've got the brand new war zone map we will see, like the likes of Fortunes.

mw3 dlc road map

Keep Rebirth Island, and Return after the New Year War Zone will be losing likes of rank play, and then they will be coming after the new year as well. I believe it's roughly season two that we're going to see Rebirth Island, Return, but in regards to the content that we'll be seeing, there's going to be a fair bit now.

We're going to get a bit of zombie stuff, and potentially now that we've seen a lot of stuff in regards to the zombies, some updates So on the road map that was leaked, it's sure that we're going to get the Wonder Wolf, the sler fire, and the perk vulture, but I can't see them coming in at the moment, and I don't think they might be coming in the future either.

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Now there's been some additional leaks, and data miners have found that, actually, that's inaccurate. So it looks like there's going to be six maps in the first season being added. Be in mind that we've already got a lot of maps in the rotation from the start, and they're going to be adding between three and four maps each season as well, so we are going to be getting Aradan.

mw3 dlc update

Hardpoint Village lockdown. Sea Town, and Mission, which are all previous Modern Warfare maps, which are absolutely great maps as well. I do like all of them, and there's a lot of maps. I can't wait to see them come back into the game as well, but these are the six maps that we are going to be seeing return.

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